Christmas Time Heroism

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I quickly round a building seeing the ambulance speeding away. I pull myself landing on its roof. I crawl forward peering through the windshield.

Y/N: "You need to stop, there's a life saving kidney on board!"

Man: "Stupid vigilante!!!"

He withdraws an Uzi making me roll backwards as gunshots ring out. The ambulance then swerves as it makes a rough left turn. I come loose going flying off. Lucky I grip the side sticking.

Y/N: "If this idiot doesn't stop then the kidney will be damaged. Gotta pump the brakes."

I let go getting behind the ambulance. Firing strands at its bumper I hit the ground dragging my feet across the asphalt. I root my feet and pull trying to slow down the ambulance.

Y/N: "Come on you hunk of metal, stop!!!"

The ambulance swerves again this time to right. As we round the corner I get a risky idea.

Y/N: "This' gonna hurt."

I let go of the right strand. Turning my body sideways I refire a strand that connects to the wall of a building. The ambulance's wheels hit the asphalt causing it to go forward. I brace my body as both lines go tight. 

The ambulance comes to a grinding stop but it tries to keep going. Pain hits my arms as they feel like they're being stretched beyond their limit. I then feel my hands slipping. 

Y/N: "Don't let go, whatever you do Y/N don't let go!!!"

The strands emit a groan as faint snapping is heard. Eventually all this strain hits the ambulance causing its motor to explode. I sigh as the pain slowly fades. I let go of the strands walking to the ambulance. The robber aims his gun but at that moment All Might arrives knocking him out.

All Might: "Thanks for the assist."

Y/N: "Would've been nicer if you got here a couple seconds sooner."

I open the back door to see a container labeled fragile. 

Y/N: "Where's this need to be?"

All Might: "Haven Grand Hospital."

Y/N: "That's all the way on the other side of the city."

Using web I strap it to my back. Then with a leap I swing as fast as I can. With each passing minute I feel a sense of dread seeping in.

Y/N: "Gotta hurry."

Booking it double time I eventually land outside Haven Grand Hospital. I rush inside to the receptionist's desk.

Y/N: "Who needs a new kidney?"

She types on her computer.

Receptionist: "Little girl on the twentieth floor. Room 302."

I rush outside and leap as hard as I can. When I reach the limit I keep flinging myself upwards until I finally reach the twentieth floor. Then quickly crawling I look through each window until I come to a room with a girl hooked up to a breathing machine. I get inside causing a man and woman to jump to their feet.

Woman: "Who are you?"

Man: "Why're you here?"

I hold out the crate.

Y/N: "This belongs to the girl. It got stolen but I recovered it."

They soon break down into tears.

Man: "Thank you. Now our little girl can be saved."

He takes the crate and rushes it to the proper people. Meanwhile the woman kisses my cheek.

Woman: "You have no idea how much this means."

Y/N: "Just doing what's right mam."

Woman: "The media's all wrong. You're no criminal. You're a good person."

I smile when the door begins opening. I leap out heading back home. But along the way I spot a toy store still open. I then smile.


Eri smiles seeing her presents when I stand up. Reaching behind my chair I hand over her last gift.

Y/N: "This one's from me."

She tears off the wrapping. Doing so graces her the view of a teddy bear. She presses his stomach making a voice be heard.

Bear: "I love you."

She turns it over spotting my message.

Eri: "Hope you're enjoying your new life. May it be everything you hoped it was."

She looks at me as I smile.

Y/N: "Merry Christmas Eri."

She cries tears of happiness. She then does something extraordinary. She finally smiles.


Outside the Kai agency we see two silhouettes at its entrance.

Silhouette1: "You sure this' wise?"

Silhouette2: "Don't go getting cold feet now. Boss wants this done, so we've gotta get it done."

Silhouette1: "But you do know that when we do this there'll be a whole investigation right? They'll be looking for us."

Silhouette2: "Then don't do anything that'll link you to the crime. Now put on your big boy panties. We've got a job to do."

They sneak their way in and go fulfill their boss' task.

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