Chapter 54: Toxic Part 1

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Chapter 54: Toxic Part 1

*This chapter shouldn't be a bit long so I tried to put it all together in this chapter as fast as I can*


It's still night out


Minnie, Yuqi and Shuhua are being chased by A as the three of them made their way into the woods as they continue to run for their life. The three girls almost have arrived at the place just exactly as Miyeon told them because she knows where Soojin's old diary could be but A tries to beat them to it without them even realizing that they're almost out of time left. Miyeon and Soyeon haven't come out yet and the three girls are still worried because Minnie and Yuqi just texted them and tries to call them but there is no response from neither of them. Shuhua on the other hand is getting really frightened and she felt like her heart is about to explode into a million tiny pieces. The girls need a find way to hide before A could saw them then Minnie has an idea because the three girls spotted a camping cabin and it's when the girls used to go camping back then as their fun trip alot including with their ex best friend Soojin. 

Suddenly, the three girls received a text from A 

Unknown: You can run but you can't hide 

Unknown: You still haven't find her diary yet.... how pathetic is that?? 

Unknown: Miyeon and Soyeon can't help you now -A 

Minnie screams as she is starting to panic even more when the girls received a text from A. 

Miyeon and Soyeon still hasn't coming back and that's what made them even more scared and worried also Yuqi tries to call Miyeon and Soyeon a bunch of times but they still haven't answered at all. It's literally almost about to be midnight and the girls still haven't found Soojin's old diary at all also Miyeon and Soyeon still haven't showed nor they haven't answered their calls or texts from them. Shuhua is about to lose her mind so she tries to call Miyeon and Soyeon as well and it's still went into the voicemail as she screams as she makes a message then she hangs up. Yuqi told them to calm down before A can hear them and it's almost about to terrorize them again so the three girls made their way to the cabin as Minnie closes the door and locks it. 

Shuhua and Yuqi grabs some wood and a hammer to shut the door even more. 

After that, the three girls quickly hide in the secret room that was in the cabin and neither of the girls didn't know that there was a secret room which is also the basement down there until Minnie has spotted it one time when the five girls are on their camping trip then she told her best friends right away about it but they didn't believe her until now. Shuhua and Yuqi apologized to her because they didn't believe her before as Minnie quickly accepts it.

Now the three girls are in the basement and they're hiding from A. 

Minnie: Okay we're safe in here 

Minnie quickly heard those footsteps and she led out a little scream. 

Minnie: For now *said it in a frightening tone* 

Shuhua: Where the hell is Miyeon and Soyeon?? 

Shuhua: We're being chased by A in the middle of the night trying to survive and then those two left us just so we can be attacked by A again?? We are this close to finding Soojin's old diary but that psycho is trying to prevent us from ever finding it and Miyeon is the only knows who knows where her diary is but yet here we are now falling into this sick nightmare and I AM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW. *still freaking out and it drives her crazy* 

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