Bonus Chapter #1: Sticky Notes

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Bonus Chapter #1: Sticky Notes

This bonus chapter will be very short!!!!

Bonus Chapter #1: 1/5

The first bonus chapter is the five best friends written notes on their sticky notes and someone they know shared their last sticky note.

Soojin puts out the last sticky note at the end.

Also, credit to the quotes that I have found on Google btw!!!

Btw it's the post-it sticky notes!!!

Miyeon's sticky note

To leave without saying goodbye

I can do it alone

Sometimes it's time to let the good and bad because we are born to be alone.

I am truly the reflection of perfection

Minnie's sticky note

Densities have been calling me and saying yes to calling when we are born with

The sound of a siren's song had called me to the rocks.

We are not forgiven

We are unforgiven

Soyeon's sticky note

Forget Forever

To leave without saying goodbye

Feeling Alive is always worth the risk

I am not what happened to me,

I am what I choose to become

Yuqi's sticky note

Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems to be too perfect in this world.

Lasting for a very short time

I would never show what I feel, what I need from you

You're the reason why I smile

Shuhua's sticky note

Something truly discovered by chance

I'm walking on thin ice, I might as well find my way and dance across the sea.

As Water reflects the face, so does one's life reflects the heart

You will not keep me quiet all I know is I won't go speechless

Soojin's sticky note

Individually we are a drop

Together we are an ocean

We can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us.

Don't let the same flame burn you twice

This is our last dance

We are unstoppable

Gidle's sticky note

We are unstoppable

Some things are not meant to last

Meant to Be- GidleWhere stories live. Discover now