Chapter 1: Meeting the Avatar

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Book of Air.

Hiei would rise up from his bed and gently rub his eyes as he was greeted by a slight breeze of wind that had came through his bedroom window

After Hiei stretched his arms out and yawned, he had finally got enough energy to get out of bed. "Alright!" Hiei jumped out of bed and looked out the window to see some sky bison flying around the Island. "Man I wanna have a sky bison one day." Hiei said before closing the window and heading towards the bathroom to start his morning routine.

After showering and changing into his clothes, Hiei would walk out and as he went to the front door he noticed a letter on it. It was from Tenzin and it said that Hiei's mother and grandfather will be listening to the Fire Ferret's match tommorow night. This made Hiei smile before he left Air Temple Island and into the city to spend most of his day in the Pro Bending arena to get ready for tommorow night. As Hiei made his way towards the docks, Jinora caught him and called out to him "Hiei? You're leaving?" She walked up to him "Just for a few hours." He replied and hugged her "I'll be back don't worry." He waved and got onto the boat.

Time went by as Hiei was now in Republic City park. A loud voice would catch his attention "What the-" he walked across the bridge to see some guy standing on a table. It was an Equalist. The Equalist have been around for quite awhile now, they believe that all benders should be cleansed. The name of their leader is Amon which is the guy on the poster behind the man on the table. As Hiei watched the man continue to persuade the citizens to join the Equalist, he noticed a beautiful girl sitting on a polar bear dog and from what she was wearing Hiei was able to tell that she's from the water tribe.

Korra: "What are you talking about? Bending is the coolest thing in the world!" She replied to the man

Equalist guy: "Oh yeah? Let me guess. You're a bender!"

Korra: "Yeah, I am."

Equalist guy: "And I bet you'd just love to knock me off this table with some water bending huh?" He leaned forward from the table trying to get under her skin

Korra: "I'm seriously thinking about it." She folded her arms

Hiei: "The girl definetly had a spark in her that's for sure." Hiei thought to himself before he continued his walk towards the stadium to practice for tommorow night's match.

(The next day)

Hiei was in his Fire Ferret uniform walking towards the locker room until he had heard a familiar voice babbling, as Hiei walked up to the gym door he noticed the Water Tribe girl he saw from yesterday getting caught by Toza. Hiei walks in to save her "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" He walked up to her and turned his head towards Toza "It's alright Toza, she's with me."

Toza: "Oh I don't care. I got work to do." He turned away from the two teenagers and used his earth bending to lift up a heavyweight and throw it

Korra and Hiei walked out of the gym and towards the locker room "Hey thanks for the save back there." Korra nudged Hiei's arm "No problem. Name's Hiei by the way." He replied to her "Korra." She said as she looked at him and smiled.

The two made it inside the locker room and Korra looks around in awe "What do you think? Best seats around huh?" Hiei said as he stood next to her while she looked around the area "Unbelievable. This place is even more amazing than I imagined." She said still looking before Bolin, Mako, and Hasook entered the locker room

Mako: He noticed the female Hiei had brought inside. "Psst, Hiei." He called him over

Hiei: "What's up?" He asked as he walked over to him

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