Chapter 36: A Breath of Fresh Air

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Fire Nation
(Training Room)

"Let's go Hiei, and this time I don't want you holding back!" Said Izana who was standing in front of Hiei holding a staff in his left hand. Hiei slightly chuckled "Yeah, yeah." He stood back up and spun his staff around before he got in his fighting stance. The two stared each other down until the silent room was interrupted by another voice.

"Begin!" Zuko said as he watched from above. The two Dual-Benders charged at each other and Hiei was the first one to strike as he swung his staff towards Izana's head. Izana swiftly ducked down and attempted to strike Hiei's rib with the staff but Hiei quickly caught him by planting the staff on the ground and using his upper body strength to lift himself up and kick Izana back. The counter would be successful as Izana was knocked back "Not bad." He raised both of his fists up and shot medium sized flame balls towards Hiei. Hiei used his staff to deflect the fireballs by spinning it rapidly to create a fan with the help of his Airbending.

As Zuko watched the fight commence, he wouldn't notice Azula and her two grandchildren "Karai and Taiyo" enter the training room "Hello Zu-Zu. How's the sparring match coming along?" Azula asked her brother as she stood next to him while Karai and Taiyo took a seat.

"It's been neck and neck for the past two matches. They both are well aware of each others abilities." Zuko replied to Azula. As they kept their eyes on the fight.

Back to the fight, both Izana and Hiei ended up breaking their staffs so the two were now using hand to hand combat along with their bending. Hiei was currently dodging Izana's earth discs that were constantly being thrown at him "You can't keep dodging forever Hiei." Izana stated "Oh trust me, I can do this all day." Once Hiei had gathered enough momentum, he would jump up and kick a large wave of wind towards Izana.

Since Izana couldn't see the wind that was sent towards him, he would get hit and sent flying into a wall. When Izana lifted his head up, he was greeted with a broken staff that was enfused with lightning "I win." Hiei said with a grin. Izana chuckled "Good match Hiei." He raised his hands in surrender.

The doors of the training room opened and Zuko, Azula, Karai, and Taiyo would walk out to greet Hiei and Izana. "Great match you two." Zuko said. "Yes, you four showed good improvement today." Azula added

"Izana, you're with me. We have a meeting to attend." Azula said as she began to exit the training room "Right behind ya." Izana replied as he followed behind her.

Hiei looked over at Taiyo and Karai. "So, which one of you guys won the sparring match between you two?"

Karai: "Me of course."

Taiyo: "That's because you had my feet trapped with Metalbending!"

Karai: "Hey, a win is a win." She smiled while crossing her arms

Hiei chuckled "Well, that was a nice training session." He walked over to his duffel bag and picked it up.

Taiyo: "Where are you going Hiei?"

Hiei: "Back to Republic City, I'm gonna go help Korra and Tenzin with the vines. You guys wanna come?"

Taiyo and Karai shook their heads "Nah, we're actually heading out aswell with uncle Zuko to visit Katara in the Southern Water Tribe." Taiyo said.

"Oooh. Tell Katara I said hi." Hiei said as he waved goodbye to his cousins.

The two siblings waved back "Will do, good luck with the vines!" Karai said.

Republic City

Korra was standing at the bridge with Lin and Bolin as she agreed to help control the vines from growing and going out of control.

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