Chapter 42: Old Wounds

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{The next day}

Everyone would be in the dining room eating breakfast.

Mako: "Hey, has anyone seen Cheif Beifong?"

Korra: "She's probably off sulking in her room."

Suyin: "I know she has a problem with me. But she had no right to yell at Opal last night."

Wing and Wei ran into the dining hall to grab some fruits for their breakfast.

Suyin: "All set for your power disc game today, guys?"

Wing: "Yeah, all set to kick Wei's butt." He smacked Wei's hand to catch an apple and ate it.

Wei: "I'm going to power disc your face." He hit Wing in the gut to make him cough up the apple. He turned towards Korra. "You should come play with us."

Korra: "Oh, I don't think I'd be much competition since I can't Metalbend."

Suyin: "Really? Lin never offered to train you?"

Korra: "Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to Airbend. Then there was the Pro-Bending. Then I got tied up with fighting Equalists. It was a busy few months."

Suyin: "Well, it's probably for the best. I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher." She chuckled

Korra laughed.

Suyin: "As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all the elements. I'd be happy to show you the basics."

Korra: "Really? That would be great."

Opal looked over at Bolin "You should try it too."

Bolin gulped "Uh, nah, I'm more of an Earth guy. The dirt, rocks, you know, maybe some light gravel- that's kind of where my heart is."

Suyin: "Okay, Earth guy. Well, let me know if you change your mind."

Suddenly the metal on Suyin and the others clothing would start to rise up as well as the utensils and cups. Everyone ducked down as the metal flew toward a huge metal suit. The person underneath the suit would be Varrick as he lifted up the mask. "It worked! Zhu Li, mark it down. Magnet suit test successful. Power down."

Zhu Li powered down the suit as all the metal fell off Varrick. "On to phase two, Zhu Li cleans up this mess." He walked off in the suit.

{Time skip}

Hiei would be in the backyard with his sword and his grandfather Ezra's scroll. Hiei opened the scroll and he gently places it down on the podium. He draws his sword and he follows the stance step by step. Hiei would close his eyes and repeat the same steps over and over again until his body would be able to remember it. Hiei then heard somebody clapping and he looked to see it was Opal.

Opal: "That was beautiful."

Hiei chuckled "Thanks, Opal."

Opal: "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Hiei: "What is it?"

Opal: "It's about, Bolin..."

Hiei smiled. "He's a good guy for you."

Opal: "Huh?"

Hiei: "You're too easy to read. Don't worry, I won't say anything. But whatever he says, just don't take him to seriously. He mostly tries to act like a cool guy to get the girl."

She giggled. "He tried that already. But I told him to not try so hard."

Hiei chuckled. "That's good. Some girls take him too seriously because of that and they end up not liking him. I'm sure he needs a girl like you in his life."

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