Chapter 25: Han

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Half of the ship was scorched with lightning as the man who caused it walked towards the group "Hmm, I think I overdid it." He moved his right arm in a circular motion.

Hiei slowly got back on his feet before he looked up at the man who caused this damage "No way.." he said with his eyes widened

The man known as Han, the lightning bender noticed Hiei and stared at him for a bit before he had let out a small chuckle "Well, look at what we have here

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The man known as Han, the lightning bender noticed Hiei and stared at him for a bit before he had let out a small chuckle "Well, look at what we have here. The little Firebender is all grown up."

Korra: "Hiei, who is this guy?" She looked over at him

Hiei: "It doesn't matter. You guys go ahead, I'll catch up."

Korra: "But-"

Hiei: "Don't worry I'll be fine." He turned to her and gave her a reassuring smile

She nodded her head before leaving with the others

Han: "Don't worry Avatar, we'll be seeing each other soon."

Hiei stepped up "You're not going anywhere near her." Blue flames started to emit from his hands

The two had a small stand off staring at each other intensely "So how did you suddenly escape prison?" Hiei asked

"I had a little help from a certain someone." He started to emit lightning from his upper body while he kept his eyes on Hiei

Hiei: "Unalaq."

Han nodded "That's right. He offered me something very valuable for my loyalty and killing you will be a bonus reward."

"So you decided to abandon-" When Hiei saw Han move an inch, he shot multiple fireballs at him not trying to take any chances

Han managed to dodge the Fireballs and immediately flew towards Hiei using his lightning as a booster, when Han got close he attempted to punch Hiei but he had dodged by shifting to the side. Just when Hiei thought he dodged Han's punch he was zapped by the lightning that was surrounding Han's upper body. This sent Hiei flying back into a crate that was on the ship

Hiei: "Great, even the aura around him is dangerous."

Han let out a chuckle "So how are you gonna attack me now?" He flew towards Hiei again at a fast pace. Hiei quickly jumped into the air using his Airbending and when he looked down he didn't see Han on the ground, instead he appeared next to Hiei and punched him back down near the railing of the ship.

Hiei held his side as he looked up at Han who had landed down infront of him preparing to shoot his beam of lightning towards him. Hiei took a deep breath as he took his stance and got ready. Han smirked as he shot his lightning at Hiei, Hiei got hit as the impact nearly knocked him off his feet but he managed to stand his ground as he redirected the lightning back towards Han.

Han stood there and held his left hand out as he absorbed the lightning that was sent back towards him. While he was gathering the lightning Hiei used this opportunity to shoot a large fireball from his mouth and towards Han. This caught Han by surprise as he rolled out of the way but as soon as he did he was knocked off the ship by a blast of air from Hiei. Just then a horn could be heard in the distance as Varrick's ship arrived.

Hiei jumped on the railing and used his Airbending to launch himself off and onto Varrick's ship deck where he would meet Mako. Han emerged from the water only revealing his head as he watched everyone escape on Varrick's ship.

As Hiei and Mako made it inside the ship Hiei was greeted by Korra as she hugged him tightly "You had me worried you know?" She looked at his arm that had a mark from Han's lightning "Who was that guy?" She looked up at him.

Hiei sighed as he took a seat "His name is Han, he's a lightning bender and he belongs to a group called the Red Lotus."

Korra: "A lightning bender?"

Mako: "So he doesn't have any of the four elements? Just lightning?"

Hiei nodded "Yeah, it's hard to believe but it's true. I don't know how he got the ability but he's extremely dangerous with it." He said as Korra began to heal his arm

{Time skip}

After Hiei told his info about Han to the group, Korra told her dad everything they found out about Unalaq.

Korra: "So, once I knew the truth, I couldn't sit by and do nothing."

Tonraq: "My own brother betrayed me. And our entire Tribe." He looked down

Rebel: "What's our next move?"

Tonraq: "I've been running from my past for too long. It's time to put my brother in his place."

Rebel: "You have our support, Chief Tonraq."

Korra: "Mine too. I'll be proud to fight alongside you, dad."

Tonraq: "No, Korra."

Korra: "But you said that South doesn't stand a chance against Unalaq's forces. I can help."

Tonraq: "The best way for you to help is by getting the President of the United Republic on our side. The South can give Unalaq a good fight for awhile.
But we'll need the United Forces in order to win this war."

Korra: "Alright, I'll get you all the help you need." She walked up to him and hugged him "I love you dad."

Tonraq hugged back and smiled "I love you too."

Hiei: "I'll stay back." He said after the two broke their hug

Korra: "What? Hiei, you can't."

Tonraq: "Korra's right. I can't ask you to do that."

Hiei: "You're not asking me, I'm offering. I can be the middle man between what's going on here and in Republic City. Plus, I have some unfinished business with Han. I need to put him back in a prison cell where he belongs."

Korra: "Hiei, are you sure?" She looked up at him

Hiei nodded "Yes. I have to do this."

She sighed "Alright." She gave him a hug "Be careful. I love you."

Hiei hugged her back "I love you too Korra."

{Time skip}

Tonraq, Hiei, and the rebels made it back to the main land "I appreciate you staying here to help Fire Prince Hiei." Tonraq said as he looked down at him

Hiei: "Of course. I want to help, Han is gonna be a big problem that I need to handle. I owe it to my father."

Tonraq: "I met your father once you know? One of the things we talked about was you." He placed his hand on Hiei's shoulder "I believe that he's proud of the man you became."

Hiei smiled "Thank you Chief Tonraq."

Tonraq: "Please, just call me Tonraq."

Hiei: "Alright, Tonraq."

Tonraq nodded "Now let's get back and start planning our counter attack."

Hiei: "Right."

They all continued their way back home.

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