Chapter 53: Returning to Zaofu

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After Prince Wu's Coronation was upstaged by Kuvira. She's now created an Earth Empire and obviously plans to take over the whole Earth Kingdom. Hiei learned that Zaofu is her final target. Right now it's the middle of the night and Hiei would be sitting on Juicy, Opal's Bison. He knows that she's gonna try to sneak off and help her family because earlier Hiei asked her and she denied it.

As Opal climbs up Juicy, she sees Hiei sitting there with his arms folded. "So, you're not planning to sneak off, huh?"

Opal shrieks as she fell down. Hiei jumped down and helped her up. "Okay. You got me. I'm going to Zaofu to help my family deal with Kuvira. Don't try to stop me, Hiei."

Hiei: "I'm not. Cause I'm going with you. Now, come on. Let's go."

Opal widens her eyes. "Really?"

Hiei nodded, "Of course, they're family to me too."

Opal gave Hiei a hug. "Thanks, Hiei."

Hiei returned the hug. "No problem. Now come on, we're taking Sora. It'll be less suspicious if they see him gone."

Opal: "Alright."

She and Hiei go over to where Sora is sleeping. Hiei kneels down and wake him up. "Hey, big guy. Come on. Time to go." He shakes his head and stands up.

Opal and Hiei climbed onto Sora. "You ready?" Hiei looked back to Opal who nods. "Yeah."

Hiei: "Okay, Sora, yip yip."

He shoots up into the air and they fly away from Republic City.

Opal: "Thanks again for coming with me, Hiei."

Hiei: "Of course. I know you'd do the same for me if it were the other way around."

Opal: "I would and so would my mom. She'll be happy you came to help too."

Hiei nodded as they continue to fly towards Zaofu.

(With Suyin and Maki)

Cut to a wide shot, showing the closed parts of Zaofu sitting in the foreground at the head of its narrow valley; Kuvira's airships, in the distance, round the bend in the valley and steer toward the city.

As the ships advance on the city, the shot cuts to a guard outpost, where one of the guards, seeing the force bearing down on them, whirls around and rushes to a radio, picking it up and speaking urgently.

Guard: "We have an emergency!"

Cut to Suyin and Maki, riding on a train with Wing and Wei, and Karai. Baatar walks up to them, grasping a bar for balance as he speaks. "I'll contact President Raiko. He'll send the United Forces."

The train emerges into brilliant sunlight as it exits the tunnel. The six of them look into the distance. Kuvira's forces are massed in the valley, both airships and ground troop.

Suyin: "Call whomever you want, but they'll never make it in time. Kuvira's already here and she brought her entire army."

(With Hiei and Opal)

Opal comes up and sits next to Hiei.

Hiei: "How far out are we now?"

Opal: "Well, we should be there in the next hour or so. It's be awhile since I've taken the route home."

Just then Hiei spots something in the distance. "What is that?"

"I don't know." Opal responded as she She pulls out a telescope to get a better look. "Oh no. Hiei, take a look."

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