Chapter 12: Attack on Republic City

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(The next day)

Korra had slowly start to wake up realizing that she's in her room on Air Temple Island. She sat up only to feel someone holding her hand. She looked to her right to see Hiei asleep in the chair next to her bed. He must have fallen asleep while watching over her. She thought to herself "He's actually really cute when he's asleep." She gently moved her hand away and wrapped her arms around him to hug him. She would then gently kiss his head. "Thank you, Hiei." She sat there in silence and held him.

(An hour later)

Everyone sat all around the table and Korra is eating more than any of them, which was no surprise.

Korra: "The food is amazing, Pema. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again."

Pema: "We're so thankful you're home safe."
Pema and Asami started to clear the table.

Tenzin: "Korra, I realize you've been through alot, but I need to know everything that happened."

Korra: "Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son."

Lin: "It all makes sense now. That's how Tarrlok was able to Bloodbend us without a full moon."

Tenzin: "But how did you escape? And where's

Korra: "Amon captured him and took his Bending."

Tenzin: "What?"

Korra: "Yeah. He showed up out of nowhere. He almost got me too."

Tenzin: "This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a Councilman, almost capturing the Avatar. I fear Amon is entering his end game."

Hiei looked at Tenzin "We gotta stop him. We gotta do whatever it takes."

Tenzin: "I agree. But first I must attend this Council meeting back at City Hall."

After that both Tenzin and Lin left the room.

(A few minutes later)

Everyone else remained on Air Temple Island, then out of nowhere they heared explosions coming from nearby.

Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami and Hiei ran outside to join Lin. The kids ran inside as they came out.

Korra: "We heard explosions. What's going on?"

Lin: "Republic City's under attack."

Hiei: "I guess we now know what Amon's end game is."

Lin: "Maybe, but I get the feeling there's more to it than this."

Hiei: "Either way, we gotta go to the city. The people are gonna need help."

Korra: "Hiei's right. We gotta go."

Team Avatar left and took a boat to Republic City.

(Minutes later)

They docked the boat and got on land. They started to leave the docks and search for Asami's car.

Asami: "Where'd you say you parked the car?"

Korra: "It's right around here somewhere." Korra then points it out. "There it is."

They go over and see the car is rammed right into a street light.

Asami: "Wow, nice parking job."

Korra: "Hey, you guys got arrested and left me alone with the car. I made it very clear, I don't know how to drive."

Bolin: "All things considered, you did a great job." He then grabbed a bunch of parking tickets off the windscreen. "But how are we gonna pay for all these parking tickets?"

Mako took them from him and burned them up.

Bolin gasps.

Mako: "Relax. The city's under attack. The cops have much bigger things to worry about."

Asami goes to the trunk and grabbed an Equalist shock glove from it. "This'll come in handy."

Hiei goes to get into the front seat but Asami looks at him. "Hey, Hiei. Why don't you sit in the back next to Korra?"

Hiei looked at her then at Korra "Uh, okay." He got in the back and sat next to Korra while Mako sat next to Asami.

Korra: "What was that about?"

Hiei: "Your guess is as good as mine."

After that Asami pulls out and drives down the street heading towards the police station.

As Team Avatar came up on the station they see that there are Mecha-Tank's there and they're capturing Benders.

Bolin makes a ramp and Asami drives up it. They dive out of the car as it hits a Mecha-Tank and blows it up.

After that they used their Bending against the other Mecha-Tank's.

A tank hits Hiei with a cable and shocks him with it. He grabbed the cable to use the electricity and redirect it back at the tank. That burned the tank out from the inside out.

Korra ran up to one of the Mecha-Tank's and flipped over it sliding her large amount of water inside its tubes causing it to short circuit allowing Bolin to use his Earthbending to knock it down.

As Tenzin was carried into the Equalist truck, one of the soldiers were shocked by Asami. She easily overpowered the other and shocked him aswell

Tenzin: "Thank you." He said to Asami as he climbed out of the truck.

Once Tenzin is freed everyone joined together to take down the other tanks.

Korra and Hiei go to Tenzin.

Korra: "Are you alright?"

Tenzin: "I'm fine. Thank you, kids. Another moment later and I would've been on my way to Amon."

Mako: "Uh, guys. Look." Mako pointed up to one of Amon's Airships going towards Air Temple Island.

Tenzin: "Oh no." Tenzin pulls out his whistle and calls Oogi to him. A moment later he lands down infront of them as they got on Oogi's back. "Oogi, yip, yip." He flies up and towards Air Temple Island.

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