Chapter 35: Spirit Korra

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When Hiei arrived to the others, it was too late. Unalaq fused with Vaatu and they became the Dark Avatar. Korra fought them the best she could, but they managed to take Raava from Korra and destroy her. Just then, Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya had arrived aswell.

Tenzin: "Korra, were you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu?"

Korra: "No, they fused. Vaatu ripped Raava right out of me and destroyed her. Vaatu won."

Bolin: "No. I am too young to live through ten thousand years of darkness. Korra, can't you talk to one of your past lives or something?"

Korra: "When Vaatu destroyed Raava, he destroyed my connection to the past Avatar's too."

Hiei: "So, Aang, Roku, they're gone?"

Korra: "Yes, all of them are."

Tenzin: "If that's true, then..."

Korra: "The cycle is over. I'm the last Avatar. I'm so sorry, Tenzin." She began to cry as Hiei held her close trying to comfort her.

Kya: "She needs you now. More than ever."

Tenzin nodded as he walked up towards Korra. "The past Avatar's may not be able to help you anymore, but perhaps I can."  She shook her head "No one can help me now."

Tenzin: "I know I haven't been the best mentor to you. That goes for both you, actually. I realize now it was because I had alot of spiritual growth to do myself. There may still be a way for you to stop Vaatu."

Korra looked up at him "How?" Tenzin took a knee to match her height level "Let go of your attachment to who you think you are, and connect with your inner spirit."

Korra: "Haven't you heard anything I said? Raava is gone. I'm not connected to a spirit anymore."

Tenzin: "I'm not talking about Raava. Raava is not who you are. Come with me. I need to show you something."

{Time skip}

As everyone waited outside the tree, Korra's spirit emerges from the tree and grows into a giant size shocking everyone while they watched her go into the portal. "Uhh...what did you say to her, exactly?" Bumi asked. "Tenzin, I'm gonna stay here and keep her physical body safe." Hiei said. "Good idea. The rest of us will stay here and hold off any dark spirits." Tenzin replied.

Suddenly, a large group of dark spirits started to make their way towards everyone "They're coming!" Mako said as he got into his stance.

Hiei fired a lightning bolt at the group as it managed to hit a couple of them. Mako followed by shooting a fireball at another group while Tenzin and Kya held their own against the other spirits. More spirits began to charge at everyone which caused them to climb onto the rocks to gain high ground. While Bolin was fighting off against the dark spirits, one managed to grab onto his leg as it dragged him down towards them. Before it could attack, it would get knocked back by a beam of water that had came from Eska and Desna as they emerged from the rocks combining their bending together as they took down a good amount of dark spirits. "Leave my Bolin alone!" Eska said "I am so done with Spirits." Desna added before Bolin slipped in between the twins "Eska! I love you!" He gave her a kiss on the cheek before he took his Earthbending stance. "Let's face the end of the world together!" Eska smirked "You're so romantic." They all went to attack the dark spirits.

Hiei went into his Blaze State and blasted all of the dark spirits back with his Airbending while Bolin used his Earthbending to summon a huge wall to block them off. Hiei added his blue flames onto the wall so that the Dark spirits won't dare to touch it. "That won't hold for long!" Hiei said as he powered down. Just as when they thought they were in the clear, a horde of dark spirits emerged from over the wall and towered over everyone as they pushed them back into the tree. Suddenly, a blinding white light appears as it made all of the dark spirits disappear. Everyone could see that Korra was back with Raava and Jinora. Korra's humanoid spirit dissolves as she went back into her physical body.

Everyone walked out of the tree to see Korra and Raava fuse together. The spirit beams disconnected as Korra comes back down. "It's over." She took a sigh of relief. Hiei ran up towards Korra and hugged her "You were amazing. I can't believe you did that."

She hugged him back "Honestly, neither can I." She chuckled before she turned her attention towards Tenzin "You were amazing." He said while smiling meanwhile, Bolin was fanning out "And the way you turned all gigantic like that, Wow!! I just wish Varrick had been here to film it. It would've been the greatest mover ever! After the Nuktuk chronicles, of course." Korra started to walk over towards Eska and Desna "I'm sorry about your father, but he was already fused with Vaatu. I couldn't save him." She looked down. Eska looked over towards Desna "It seems cousin Korra is under the impression we are saddened by our fathers demise." Desna turned to his twin "But I will not miss him at all. In the end, he became a deplorable man." Eska nodded "Agreed. But how will we explain this to mother?" Before Desna could say anything Bolin barged in.

"So I was thinking, I'm not really a fan of the long distance relationship thing. So how about you move to Republic City with me?" He offered "I do not think that will be possible." Eska said causing Bolin to sigh "Okay, Desna can come too."

"I will not be joining you Bolin. Desna and I must return home." Bolin looked at her in disbelief "But you said-" Eska cut him off  "Eternal Darkness was upon us. I became caught up in the moment."

Bolin looked down "Yeah.. I guess I did too." Eska walked up to him " will always hold a special place in the organ that pumps my blood. I will remember you fondly my Turtle-Duck.

Bumi had heard squeaking coming from behind him as he turned around to see Bumju flying back to him. He laughed as he held him "Bumju you're okay! I missed you, little buddy." He gave him a hug.

Han had regained consciousness as he looked around to see that Team Avatar had won the battle. He saw his sword laying across from him and attempted crawl over to retrieve it but Hiei was there to meet him. "Where do you think you're going?" He picked up the sword and pointed it towards Han's face.

He chuckled "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to have a drink before going back to prison."

Hiei kneeled down towards him "Not gonna happen." He used the handle of the sword to knock Han back out "Now it's over." Hiei chuckled as he placed the sword behind his back.

{Time skip}

(Capital City of Southern Water Tribe)

Korra gathered all southern water tribe villagers together for her important message. "The war of the Water Tribes is over. Unalaq has been defeated and the Northern fleet is returning home. The Water Tribes will always be allies, but the Southern Tribe is now independent. And the Southern council of elders has appointed my father, Tonraq, to be your new chief!" Everyone began to cheer. "I've realized that even though we should learn from those who came before us, we must also forge our own path. So that's why I've decided to keep the portals open. Humans can now physically enter the Spirit World and spirits will be free to roam our world. I will no longer be the bridge. Humans and spirits must learn to live together. My mission will always be to use Raava's light spirit to guide the world toward peace and balance. Harmonic convergence has caused a shift in the planet's energy. I can feel it. Things will never be the same again. We are entering a new age."

(Aaand that's the end of Book 2! I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for Book 3.)

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