Chapter 16: Endgame.

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Korra and Hiei made it to the Equalist Rally and they were able to get in easily due to their disguises. They made it out onto a balcony and saw Amon giving a speech about how his family was killed by a Firebender.

Korra: "That's a lie, Amon!"

He looks up at Korra and Hiei as they took their masks off.

Korra: "Or should I call you Noatak?"

People in the crowd start yelling out in confusion as Amon stepped forward. "Everyone, calm down. We have nothing to fear from the Avatar. Let's hear what she has to say."

Korra: "Amon has been lying to you. The spirits didn't give him the power to take people's Bending away. He uses Bloodbending to do it. Amon is a Waterbender."

That caused the crowd to gasp.

Amon: "You're desperate, Avatar. Making up stories about me is a pathetic last resort."

Hiei stepped up. "Your family wasn't killed by a Firebender. His father was Yakone and his brother is
Councilman Tarrlok."

The crowd began to erupt. Which leads to Amon taking off his mask to show a scar on his face from the "Firebender" attack. "This is what the Firebender did to me." He pointed to his scar

Korra: "What?" She looks to the crowd. "I'm telling you, he's a Waterbender!" She looks at Hiei. "They don't believe me. It didn't work."

Hiei: "We said what we had to, now let's get out of here."

They turn to see Equalist's starting to surround them.

Just then Amon shows Korra and Hiei that he has Tenzin and the kids hostage.

Korra: "No. They got away. We saw them get away.. Amon, let them go!"

Amon: "You're more than welcome to come down here and try to stop me." He offered

Hiei: "That's it. We gotta save 'em."

Korra: "Right."

Hiei fired lighting at the stage and hit Amon causing him to get blasted away.

Korra and Hiei would then jump on the side of the wall and use Firebending to keep themselves up right. They made it to the stage. Korra would then free Tenzin and the kids. Once Tenzin's free, he and Hiei blasts Amon and the Equalist's off the stage.

Hiei: "We gotta go."

Korra and Hiei lead them out into the hallway.

Korra: "Tenzin, get them out of here. We'll create a diversion."

He nods and turned to the kids. "Let's go get your mother and the baby!"

Meelo: "Prison break!!"

Tenzin and the kids left.

Just then Amon comes out of the door behind Korra and Hiei.

Korra uses Firebending to give herself and Hiei cover, so they can bait Amon into following them.

Hiei: "Korra, this way."

She nods and they rushed into the gym. "We gotta hide. Then we jump out and catch him off guard."

A moment later the door opens and Hiei peeks out to see Amon walking into the room. He walks past the table that Korra is under.

Just then he turns and uses Bloodbending to bring Korra out into the open. Hiei jumped out and shot fire balls at him. "Let her go!"

Amon dodges them and manages to grip Hiei so he couldn't move. Amon lifts Hiei into the air and slammed both him and Korra to the floor, and they still couldn't move meaning he was still Bloodbending them.

Amon gets Korra on her knees and grabs her by the neck.

Korra: "No!"

Hiei: "Korra!"

He puts his thumb on her forehead and takes her
Bending causing her to gasp in fear and shock. A second later she falls to the floor.

Amon: "I told you I would destroy you." He turned his head towards his Lieutenant who was standing at the entrance of the gym.

Equalist Lieutenant: "Amon! Everything the Avatar said is true, isn't it?! I just saw you blood bend her. He takes off his mask and drops it to the ground and stomps on it. "You traitor! I dedicated my life to you!" He runs at Amon with his Batons covered in lightning.

Amon blood bends him as he was lifted in the air. "You served me well, Lieutenant." He throws him into the piles of wooden poles as it falls on top of him.

He would then walk over to Hiei as he puts him on my knees. "Now its your turn, Fire Prince Hiei."

Before he could do it, Hiei managed to bring his hand up and hit him with lighting causing him to get sent flying into the wall.

Hiei got up and used Firebending to bring down wooden boards on top of him. Afterwards, he picks up Korra and ran out of the room.

Hiei runs down the hallway with Korra in his arms.

Korra looked up at him weakly. "Hiei... my Bending..."

Hiei: "It's gonna be alright. We just need to get you out of here."

Just then Hiei stops dead in his tracks and drops Korra causing her to slide across the floor.

Amon uses his Bloodbending to slam Hiei into the ceiling, then into the floor. "I'm impressed. No-one has ever gotten the better of me like that. Then again I shouldn't expect anything less from Lord Zuko's grandson." He walks over to the Fire Prince and brings him to his knees. "It's almost a shame to take the Bending of someone so talented. It's odd. I think in another life, you and I could've made a great team."

Korra looks up and sees Amon is about to take
Hiei's Bending. She quickly got up "No!!" She throws a punch and a blast of air flies out and blasts Amon

Hiei fell against the wall and sees what Korra just did. "She did it."

Amon: "Impossible."

Korra: "I... I can Airbend?" She stands up straight. "I can Airbend!" Korra moves forward and hits Amon with blasts of air.

He then grips her with Bloodbending, but she manages to kick and blast him out of the window.

Hiei got up and went towards the window and Korra followed. They looked down to see Amon's mask floating in the water. Just then he comes flying out of the water and is using Waterbending. Causing everyone around him to gasp. Now everyone knows he's a Waterbender.

Hiei shot fire balls at him, but he manages to escape.

Korra: "He got away."

Hiei: "Maybe, but now he doesn't have his army anymore."

She leans in and they hug.

(One hour later)

Korra and Hiei are now back on Air Temple Island with the other's who has now learned that Korra lost her Bending.

Lin: "I can't believe Amon got you too."

Bolin: "Hey, at least you unlocked your Airbending."

They all look at him.

Mako: "Bro, not the time."

"Bolin: Right, right. I'll just stand over here. Quietly."

Just then everyone sees the United Forces back-up coming into the city.

Tenzin: "You saved Republic City, Korra."

Korra: "But Amon got away."

Once the ship got closer, everyone sees Bumi, Tenzin's brother on it.

Ikki: "Yay! Uncle Bumi's here!"

He screams out in excitement.

Tenzin just sighs. "Great. Now I have to entertain my brother."

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