Chapter 14: United Forces

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It's been three days since Air Temple Island was taken over by Amon and Team Avatar had been living underground to stay hidden from the Equalist's.

Korra and Hiei have been undercover as Equalist soldiers so they could know what's going on in the city.

They traveled back in the sewers after hearing Sato's speech to the Equalist forces.

Korra: "Can you believe Hiroshi? "The Avatar's on the run." I'm not running from anyone." They took their masks off and look at each other. "I say you and I go back up there and knock some heads. They'll never know what hit 'em."

Hiei: "Don't worry. My brother is coming with an entire fleet of battleships. Then Amon will be the one running."

She sighed. "I hate this "being patient" stuff."

Hiei: "Yeah, me too." The two of them would then head back to their new home underground.

They made it back and saw that Mako, Asami and Bolin was waiting for them.

Asami: "You two were gone a while."

Hiei: "We would've been back sooner, but there was so many of them up there."

Mako: "Are you two okay?"

Korra: "Yeah, we're fine."

After that Korra, Asami and Bolin walk off leaving
Mako and Hiei.

Hiei: "Hey, man, so what's going on with you and Asami? You guys have been pretty distant lately."

Mako: "Uh, yeah... well, she found out that Kora and I kissed."

Hiei: "Oh, man. How?"

Mako: "Bolin told her while we were looking for Korra."

Hiei: "You should've told her bro."

Mako: "I know and I was going to, but with everything going on with her dad it didn't seem like the right time."

Hiei: "I guess that make sense."

Mako: "So, what's going on with you and Korra?"

Hiei: "What? Nothing. We're friends."

Mako crossed his arms "Seriously?"

Hiei sighed. "Okay, you got me. I have feelings for Korra and it's been like that for awhile. When I found out she was missing.. I felt like I lost apart of myself. I thought I'd never see her again."

Mako: "Does she know how you feel?"

Hiei: "No. Given what's going on now. We have bigger priorities than my love life."

Mako: "Good point. Come on, let's go eat." He placed his hand on Hiei's shoulder as the two of them went to join the others

(Three hours later)

Everyone was asleep, all except Hiei.

He got up to walk around the area and as he did he looked over to see Korra laying against Naga wide awake. "Can't sleep either, huh?" He sat down next to her.

Korra: "No, I have this awful pit in my stomach."

Hiei: "Me too."

Korra: "It's so crazy. A few months ago I was in the South Pole, practicing for my Firebending test. Now I'm in the middle of an all-out war."

Hiei: "Yeah. I mean we didn't even know each other then. And now, I can't imagine my life without you in it. You're the most loyal, brave and selfless person I've ever known."

She smiled. "I think you're pretty incredible too, but you already knew that."

Hiei: "Well, if you want to say it more then you can."

She chuckled. "And you always know how to make me laugh."

The two of them locked eyes with each other for a moment, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Korra: "We should probably get some sleep."

Hiei: "Yeah, good idea-" he got up "Goodnight Avatar Korra."

Korra: "Goodnight Prince Hiei." She said as she watched him walk off before she closed her eyes.

(The next day)

Today is the day that Iroh and his fleet were scheduled to arrive. Korra, Mako, Asami, Bolin and Hiei were outside waiting for them to show up.

Korra: "Once the United Forces arrive we need to be ready to help in any way we can."

Hiei: "We'll be ready."

Bolin: "Okay, they're here." Bolin said, looking through his telescope and just then, the battleships emerged from the fog

Hiei: "Perfect timing, bro."

Korra: "Wait a second. Where are the Equalist's Airships?"

Everyone looked around

Asami: "I got a bad feeling about this."

Mako looks through his binoculars. "I don't see any Mecha-Tank's either."

Just then there's an explosion out in the ocean and more follow it. Turns out it was a trap from the start.

Hiei: "Iroh!" He leaped over the railing and used Firebending to shoot himself into the air and fly over towards the battleships. As he got closer he turned back to see Equalist's planes.

They come in fast and start dropping bombs to hit the other battleships.

Hiei saw a plane coming at him, but he quickly blast it with a fire ball and send it crashing into the water.

Korra dived into the water and used her Waterbending to form a whirlpool launching herself up into the air. She starts taking the planes down.

As Hiei made his way towards Iroh, he gets blasted by three planes. The impact sends him crashing into the water.

Hiei: "No, No, No." he stopped his Firebending and dropped down into the water and grabbed him. Hiei would then bring him back up to the surface.

Iroh opened his eyes and looked back at his brother "Hiei, you're here."

Hiei: "Yeah, I couldn't leave my brother hanging."

Iroh: "Thanks little brother, I owe you one."

Hiei: "Don't mention it." He used his Airbending to push them back towards the others.

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