Chapter 21 Northern Lights

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Everyone was ready to set off again as they continued to make their way to the South Pole.

Tonraq sped up abit on his snow speedster to catch up to his daughter "Korra, you have every right to be mad at me. But I don't want you to make the same mistake I made. I should've never gone to that forest. And we shouldn't be going to the South Pole now. Spirits and the physical world should remain separate."

She stopped Naga infront of him "Dad, it's my job to be the bridge between the spirit's and the physical world and I finally have a chance to live up to my potential."

Tonraq: "You don't even know what Unalaq says is

Unalaq: "You want proof. Look to the sky. Where I'm from the spirits are at peace and they light up the dark."

Korra: "The Northern Lights."

Unalaq: "Yes. There used be lights in the South as well. But during the hundred year war, the South was thrown out of balance. And the lights disappeared. When the war ended the North helped to rebuild the South physically as a nation but not spiritually. Now the spirits no longer dance in your skies. Instead, they rampage in the everstorm."

Mako: "I think we're here!"

They go through the storm as it was blowing the snow heavily in their direction. Then suddenly they heard a loud screeching sound.

Bolin: "Is that what I think it is."

Unalaq: "We must keep moving."

Bolin: "Oh man. I really don't like this."

Mako: "Bolin, just stay calm. There's no reason to--"

Just then the dark spirits appeared from the ground and rips off the supplies from their camels and Naga. This startled Naha as she jumped up knocking Korra off her back. She looked up to see a spirit charging towards her but was quickly knocked away by Tonraq's ice, another spirit appeared behind Korra charging at her which Tonraq noticed "Korra look out!" He pushed her back with the ice and took the hit from the spirit as he got knocked away.

Another spirit leaped into Bolin's snow speedster "Ohh, it's in the engine!" He removed his hands from the handles as he saw smoke emerge from the hood causing him to drive off into the snow

Mako and Hiei fought off two large dark spirits with their Firebending while Korra attempted to use her uncle's technique to send the spirit away but it didn't work as it broke out of the water and knocked Korra down on the ground pinning her as it roared in her face. Before it could attack, it suddenly vanished into the air along with the other spirits thanks to Unalaq.

"Is everyone okay?" Mako asked while Hiei helped Korra up

In the distance they could hear Bolin screaming as he was heading right towards a mountain "I CANT STOP IT!"

"I'll save you." Eska said nonchalantly as she and her brother pulled Bolin out of the snow speedster while they skated down the snowy hill being followed by Bolin who's suit turned into a raft

Bolin slid down the snow on his back. "Can someone please deflate me?" He asked after he had came to a stop. Eska used ice to pop the snow suit. "Thank you."

Mako: "Ah, great."

Hiei turned to Mako "What is it?"

Mako: "All of our equipment is gone."

Hiei: "Now what are we supposed to do?"

Tonraq: "There's only one thing to do. We have to turn back."

Unalaq: "No. The Solstice is tonight. We're so close."

Tonraq: "This mission is too dangerous. We're leaving."

Korra: "No, dad. You're leaving."

He would just sigh and accept his daughter wish by leaving. He made his way back to his snow speedster while everyone else got ready.

Hiei walked over to Tonraq "Don't worry, sir. I'll take care of Korra."

Tonraq: "Thank you, Fire Prince Hiei."

The two shook hands.

Hiei: "Of course. And just call me Hiei."

He nodded as he got on his speedster.

Since Bolin's speedster was wrecked, Mako was pulling him along with it

Korra turned her head towards Hiei "So, what exactly were you and my dad talking about?"

Hiei: "Nothing. He's just worried about you, that's all."

Korra: "You know, I'm starting to wonder if you're on my side."

Hiei: "There aren't any sides. We just wanna help in any way we can. And I'm still here. You have to trust that we're all here for you."

Unalaq: "We've arrived."

Korra: "Trees frozen in ice."

Unalaq: "It's just like the Sacred Forest Tonraq destroyed in the North."

Korra: "So, what do I do?"

Unalaq: "You must find your way to the heart of the forest where the dormant Spirit Portal lies. From here, you're on your own."

Hiei: "Wait a second. There's no way she's going alone."

Mako: "That's not happening."

Bolin: "Yeah. If she goes, then we go too."

Unalaq: "The Avatar must go in alone."

Korra: "But I don't have any connection with the spirit's. In fact, it seems like they hate me."

Unalaq: "You have to believe in yourself, like I believe in you."

Korra looked away from him.

Unalag: "What is it?" He tilted his head

Korra: "I guess I'm just so used to people telling me how to do things that I forgot what it was like to have someone trust in me."

Unalaq: "Korra, all the past Avatar's live on inside of you. Let them guide you. Let them help you find the light in the dark."

She looks over at Hiei, Mako, and Bolin "Wait here. I'll be okay."

"Good luck." Hiei said as they watched her walk into the frozen forest

{15 minutes later}

A beam of light started to shoot up into the sky. Then lights began to dance around the sky. It's the Southern Lights.

Everyone outside began to look up and admire it

Hiei: "Whoa. She did it."

Mako: "Wow. I can't believe it."

Bolin: "It's beautiful."

A moment later, Korra walked out of the forest and made her way back to the group.

Bolin: "Hey, Korra! You're back! Hey Korra's back!" He ran up to her and hugged her only for them to be separated by a block of ice by Eska

Korra goes over to Unalaq after Bolin started to get pressed by his girlfriend "Everything you said was true."

Unalaq: "Avatar Korra, you have taken the first step in bringing balance back to the South and soon the whole world."

Hiei ran over to pick Korra up and spin her around. He would then put her down and hold her close. "You never cease to amaze me."

Korra: "Thanks." She looked up at him "By the way, I'm really sorry for being a total pain. Things were really stressful and confusing. It's hard being the Avatar."

Hiei: "It's harder being the Avatar's boyfriend." He nudged her arm

Korra chuckled before she jumped onto Hiei, hugging him. After the two shared a moment everyone began to head back.

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