Chapter 10: The new Team Avatar

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It's been two days since their encounter with Sato and his Mecha-Tank's.

Korra and Hiei along with Jinora, Ikki and Meelo were waiting for Mako, Bolin and Asami at Air Temple Island. Their boat docks and they walk off the boat.

Jinora: "You're finally here. Welcome to Air Temple Island." She waved

Ikki: "Your new home."

Meelo: "Yes, Welcome to my domain."

Bolin: "Well aren't you a sweet, Little monk child." Pabu jumps down and runs under Meelo's legs. He looks at Pabu as he runs over to Naga.

Meelo: "What's that fuzzy creature?"

Jinora: "That's a Fire Ferret. An arboreal mammal, common to the bamboo forests of the Central Earth Kingdom."

Ikki: "He's cute!!" Ikki starts chasing after Pabu while Meelo jumps on Naga.

Meelo: "Yip, yip. Fly Sky-Bison! Fly!"

Mako: "Thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move."

Asami: "Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers." She said as two Air Acolytes carry all of Asami's stuff off the boat.

Hiei: "Asami, I thought you were only bringing a few things."

Mako: "Trust me, it could've been alot worse."

Korra: "No problem. Everyone here wants you guys to feel welcome."

After that they took them to their room. Jinora Meelo and Hiei took Mako and Bolin, while Korra and Ikki took Asami to her room.

Ikki and Korra were taking Asami to her room.

Ikki: "Asami, did you know Korra likes Mako?"

Korra's eyes widened as she looked at Ikki

Korra's eyes widened as she looked at Ikki

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Asami: "Oh... uh, no. I wasn't aware of that."

She quickly grabbed Asami and took her to her room and shut Ikki out

Ikki: "Hey!"

Korra: "Run along, Ikki." She sighed. "So... here's your room. I know this is a little rustic compared to what you're used to."

Asami: "I think it's really charming. And the best part about it? Nothing here reminds me of my father. Thank you for your hospitality."

Korra: "Of course. Hey, so... about what Ikki said....I did once have a thing for Mako, but I don't anymore. I promise. I'd never want..." she was cut off by Asami's laughs

Asami: "It's okay, Korra. You don't have to apologise. I understand. You liked him at one point, now you don't. I get it."

Korra nodded "Exactly."

Asami: "Besides you have a thing for Hiei now don't you?" she teased her

Korra scoffed "What? I don't have a thing for Hiei. I mean don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with him, especially if you're into the whole "Brave, handsome Firebender Fire Prince" thing. But I don't. I.."

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