Chapter 28: Northern Air Temple

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{The next day}

After getting some rest and saying goodbye to Izumi, Izana and Hiei are now walking towards the large building that Hiei saw in his vision. Outside the building was a large statue of three females standing side by side. They were the founders of this mansion as it had been here for years.

Izana: "Are you sure you're not just reminiscing your past memories?" Izana looked at Hiei as they walked up to the door where two Fire Nation guards stood.

Hiei shook his head "Nah, in my vision it showed me coming here first. Probably to warn Grandpa Zuko about Han escaping." He said as they made it inside the building.


"Again!" Zuko yelled as he watched a young Hiei stand before 3 Fire Nation soldiers who was helping him with his training. They started to circle Hiei for a bit until one of them charged at the boy sending a wave of fire towards him. Hiei rolled out of the way and sent two fireballs at the soldier causing him to jump back. The second solider sent a fireball at Hiei who dodged easily by falling on his back, Hiei placed both of his hands on the ground as he lifted his legs up and kicked a large fireball back at the second soldier which caught him off guard as he got hit by it. The first soldier arrived back and attempted to punch Hiei with his fire fist. Hiei caught the soldiers fist and threw him into the third soldier who was trying to sneak up on the young Fire Prince. Once Hiei made the two soldiers crash into each other, he punched a beam of fire at the two, knocking them out of the fighting area.

Zuko: "Now let me hear you roar like a Tiger-Dillo!"

Hiei took a deep breath and extended both of his arms out while he lifted his head up and roared loudly as fire shot out from his mouth and his hands. Once he finished he turned to his grandfather who gave him a nod of approval while smiling.

"Shouldn't Hiei be preparing to train under Tenzin, Zu-Zu?" Azula arrived to the training area with her two grand kids following her. Izana and Karai.

Zuko: "I just wanted to make sure that Hiei mastered his Firebending before he took on Airbending."

Azula: "Mm, I see. What about his Blaze state?" She looked over at Hiei who was now chatting with his two cousins. "Did he master that?" She asked turning her attention back to Zuko.

Zuko shook his head "No, I wanted Ezra to help train him but he's been so busy traveling the world." He rubbed the bridge of his nose "Hopefully he doesn't get out of control while he's at Republic City."

Azula: "I'm sure he'll be fine there Zu-Zu." She stated while she watched Izana and Karai show Hiei their new Earthbending move.

{End of Flashback}

Hiei and Izana were now standing infront of a door that led to the main room. Hiei opened the door only to see no one inside. "Huh? Where did everyone-"

???: "Azula and the others are away for a meeting."

Hiei and Izana turned their heads to see Zuko standing there with his arms folded.

Hiei smiled "Hey grandpa." He walked up to Zuko and hugged him.

Zuko hugged him back "It's nice to see you again Hiei." He looked up at Izana "How did the mission go?"

Izana shook his head "Not too great. Unalaq and his troops aren't showing any signs of giving up and to top it off.." he took a deep sigh "Han has escaped."

After explaining all the events that had happened in the South, Zuko, Hiei, and Izana were walking out to the training grounds where some of the soldiers were training. Zuko placed a scroll on the falcon's back before he allowed it to fly off.  "I must inform Azula and her squad about this. If the rest of the Red Lotus members gather together there's no telling what chaos they would unleash." He said as they made it to his dragon "You said you needed to go to the Northern Air Temple right? I'm allowing you two use my dragon Druk to fly you there. Best of luck you two."

Hiei and Izana hugged Zuko "Thank you grandpa." Hiei said as he and Izana climbed onto Druk. "Let's go boy!" Hiei said as Druk roared and flew off leaving Zuko as he stood there waving at the two.

{The next day, Northern Air Temple}

Izana: "Are we almost there?"

Hiei continued to look at his map Tenzin gave him and Korra "Yeah, it's just around the corner." He looked up and pointed ahead as the Temple appeared in the distance.

Izana: "Whoa, it's beautiful."

Hiei: "Yeah it is."

They all landed down on the Temple as Hiei and Izana got off Druk's back. "I haven't been in the air that long before." Izana stated as he stretched his arms.

Hiei: "I know right?" He rubbed Druk's head "Thanks buddy, you did great." Druk lightly roared

Izana: "Alright so now what?"

Hiei: "Now, I need to go find that place in my vision." He said as they started to walk up the temple with Druk behind them.

Hiei and Izana were now at the middle part of the Northern Air Temple "This isn't the place either." Hiei said as he groaned.

Izana: "Are you sure this is the Air Temple you saw in your vision?"

Hiei turned to him "Yes I know it is." He looked up at the Temple "Maybe we have to go higher."

Izana nodded and turned to Druk "Druk, stay here and keep and eye out. Let us know if anyone shows up here." He roared giving them the okay as the two dual benders made their way up the Temple.

As they made it to the very top Hiei started to notice the resemblance to the same area he saw in his vison. "This is it."

Izana turned his head to him "Are you sure?"

Hiei nodded "Totally."

Izana: "Alright so what now?"

Hiei: "If I'm right then I need to meditate right here." He sat down in the middle "And then I'll end up in the Spirit World."

Izana: "And you need me to look over your body?"

Hiei: "Exactly."

Izana: "On it."

Hiei smiled "Thanks cousin."

Izana smiled back before he turned his back towards him guarding him.

Hiei took a deep breath and closed his eyes to begin his meditation.

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