Chapter 24: Gathering Intel

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{Time skip}

Korra opens the door of Varrick's office forcefully as she walked up to Hiei, Asami, and Mako "Unalaq's a liar and a traitor."

Varrick: "I've been trying to tell you that from the get-go." He said as he was still inside the platypus bear costume.

Mako: "What happened?"

Korra: "I found out the truth behind my father's banishment. Unalaq hired the barbarians to attack their tribe. Then he told them to hide in the spirit forest knowing my dad would go after them.

Hiei: "Unalaq wanted your dad out of the way so he could become chief. It was a setup."

Korra: "Just like the whole trial. I can't believe I trusted him. I'm busting my father and the rebels out of jail. I need your help."

Mako: "If you do this, there's no going back."

Korra: "I know. Will you help me or not?"

Hiei: "I'm in."

Mako: "Of course, I'll help."

Asami: "Me too."

Varrick: "Count me in!"

Just then the door opens and everyone turns to see Bolin and pabu in Water Tribe clothing and a necklace.

Mako: "I don't even wanna know."

Asami: "So, I'm guessing the break-up with Eska didn't go well?"

Bolin: "No, no, the honesty thing worked out great.
So great that she decided we should get married!"

Asami: "Sorry."

Korra: "I'm pretty sure the guy is suppose to give the girl Betrothal necklace."

Bolin: "I guess Eska didn't get the memo."

Varrick: "Look, the only way to deal with crazy women is to lie big and leave fast. Lucky for you, Varrick's got your back. Now, gather around Ping-

Everyone gathered around Varrick "Let's talk plan." He said while he poked his head further out of Ping-Ping's mouth.

{Time skip to the Prison}

Korra, Mako, Asami and Hiei snuck into the prison where Tonraq and the rebels are being held.

A guard walks down the hall when suddenly he was pulled underground by Mako and stunned by Asami. Hiei grabbed the keys as the group of four climbed out.

Korra points to a certain cell. "My dad's in there."

Hiei unlocked the cell door and Korra opens it but Tonraq isn't there.

Korra: "Where is he?"

???: "I'm sorry, Korra."

They look over and see that Unalaq is here. "You'll never see your father again." He said with his hands behind his back

Korra steps forward. "Where's my father?"

Unalaq: "On a ship headed to the Northern Tribe.
He'll serve out his sentence there."

Korra: "Bring him back or I'm taking you out and the rest of your army."

Unalaq: "Remember who you are. As the Avatar, you cannot threaten war. You must remain neutral, or our Tribes will never find unity."

Korra: "You don't want unity. You want power.
You've always been jealous of my father, haven't you? You got him banished so you could become Chief, and I bet it just killed you to learn he was the Avatar's father. No wonder you kept trying to take me away from him."

Unalaq: "All I've ever wanted is to help you realize your destiny."

Korra: "Well, I don't want your help anymore."

Unalaq: "If you start a war, the Dark Spirit's will annihilate the South. And even I will be powerless to stop them."

Korra: "I'm done being manipulated by you. You're going to bring my father back, then you and your troops will return to the North." She turned her back

Unalaq: "And why would I do that?"

Korra: "Because you still need me to open the Northern portal."

Unalaq: "No, I don't. You served your purpose."

Just then Korra turns and blasts him with Firebending. Unalaq quickly blocks it with Waterbending and shoots ice projectiles at her. Hiei rushed in and fired a blast of air at him knocking him back into a wall.

Mako: "If we get to Varrick's boat we can still save your father, let's go."

After leaving the prison Korra, Mako, Asami and Hiei make it to Varrick's ship.

Bolin sees them and turns to Korra "Where's your dad?"

Korra: "On a ship headed north. Think we can catch up to it?"

Varrick: "Sure. Once you get us past our friends from the North."

They look to see multiple Northern Water Tribe ships ahead of them.

Korra: "If only we had a plane to get us close to those ships I could Waterbend them out of the way."

Varrick: "A plane? Well, why didn't you say so?" He pressed a button and they could see a plane come up onto the deck.

Hiei: "Varrick, why do you have a plane on your ship?"

Varrick: "In case the ship sinks, of course."

Asami: "But there's no runway. How are we supposed to take off?" She looked over at him

Varrick: "Zhu-li, take a note. Build runway."

Zhu-li: "Yes, sir."

Korra: "I have an idea. Hiei, Asami, come with me."

Asami and Hiei followed behind Korra.

Moments later, Korra and Hiei get on one side each as Asami gets into the pilot's seat. She slowly builds up speed.

Korra: "Now!"

Korra and Hiei both Firebend in order to give the plane a boost, so it can take-off. It doesn't work at first, but then the plane flies up into the air. When they got close enough to the ships, Korra Waterbends the ships and knocks them out of the way allowing Varrick to get his ship past.

Korra looks around for a moment until she noticed a ship in the distance. "There! My dad's on that ship!"

Asami turns and heads towards the ship.

Once they got near the ship, the three jumped into the water and the plane crashes into it. Korra then Waterbends everyone up into the air so they can land on the ship.

Hiei quickly shoots a blast of air at two guards sending them flying into the water.

Korra deals with the rest of the guards using her
Waterbending. She noticed another guard trying to escape so she shot a Water sphere at him which had soon turned to ice to pin him against the wall. "Where are the prisoners?" She asked him

After finding Tonraq and the rebels everyone began to escape the boat.

Tonraq: "Korra, this is crazy. You promised me you wouldn't do anything rash."

Korra: "I had to, dad. I'll explain later."

As they were making their way out of the ship everyone heard a loud crack followed by a huge boom and felt a large gust of wind crash into the ship knocking everyone down

Asami: "Wha-What was that?" She asked as everyone slowly got up

When Hiei looked up his eyes widened "No way.."

???: "Hmm, I think I overdid it."

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