Chapter 41: Zaofu

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While Korra was playing fetch with Naga, Hiei would be sitting in an open field meditating.

Lin: "While you're playing fetch, Six of the most dangerous criminals in the world are hunting you down. We should get moving."

Korra: "Relax. We just got here. Besides, no one knows where I am right now except us." She said as Naga returned with the ball, setting it down infront of Lin.

Korra: "I think she wants you to throw it for her."

Lin looked down at the ball then back up at Korra "I'll pass. Thanks."

Just then, Asami and Mako came out of the Airship "We just got a call on the radio about another Airbender."

Korra: "Finally. Where are they?"

Mako: "A city called Zaofu, the home of the metal clan."

Korra: "You know the place."

Lin: "Uh, never been, but I don't want you going there. I'd rest a lot easier if you were back safe in Republic City."

Korra: "Sorry, but if there's an Airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we're going next."

She turned over towards Hiei. "Hiei, we're leaving!"

Hiei opened his eyes and turned towards Korra "Okay!" He jumped up and met up with the others.

{Time skip}

An hour had passed and Team Avatar was finally flying above Zaofu.

Bolin: "Wow, Wow, Wow! An entire city made of metal. Whoo! You should feel right at home, Beifong."

Lin: "Hmm."

Hiei smiled. "I have alot of happy memories of this place. It's good to be back here."

The pilot brings the airship down and everyone lands. Bolin was the first one off as he happily ran out the airship everyone else followed behind while Lin remained in her seat.

Asami: "Aren't you coming?"

Lin: "What's there to see? It's metal. Big whoop. Just find the Airbender and let's get moving. And don't tell anyone I'm here."

Korra: "Why not?"

Lin: "I don't need to explain myself to you. Just do what I say."

Korra: "Fine. You got it, Chief Cranky Pants."

They walked over to a man with two guards.

Korra: "Do you know him?"

Hiei: "Nah. He's new."

???: "Avatar Korra, Fire Prince Hiei, it's an honor to meet you both. My name is Aiwei."

Korra and Hiei bowed to him.

Korra: "Thanks for having us."

Aiwei: "Is this everyone?"

Korra: "Yep. Just us."

Hiei: "So, can we meet the new Airbender?"

Aiwei: "Of course. Right this way."

Hiei and the others enter inside as the metalbenders closed the gate. They then made the elevator go down and Aiwei would guide them. As they entered the train, they would see how lively the city was.

Aiwei: "That statue honors the first Metalbender, Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his or her highest potential."

Bolin: "Wow. That's awesome. Has that statue always been there?"

Hiei: "From what I know, yes."

Bolin: "Does Toph live here? Are we gonna get to meet her?"

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