Chapter 11: Crime scene

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The day after the arrest of Hiei, Mako, Asami and Bolin, Tenzin made a call to someone who could get them out. Or at least get Hiei out.

The person was now in Republic City and immediately headed towards the police station while being escorted by two Fire nation soldiers. She walks up to the front desk. The officer who was sitting at the front desk sees her and immediately stands up. He sees that it's Fire Lord Izumi.

Officer: "Fire Lord Izumi. Why are you here?"

Izumi: "Councilman Tenzin called me here. He informed me that you arrested my son last night and I'd like you to release him immediately."

Meanwhile in one of the prison cells, sat Hiei, Mako, and Bolin.

Hiei: "Man, I hate it in here."

Mako: "I'm willing to bet you're the first Fire Prince to be put in a jail cell." He said while sitting on one of the beds

Hiei: "Yeah, probably."

Just then the door opens and an officer comes in.

Officer: "Fire Prince Hiei, you're free to go. You've been bailed out."

Hiei stood up from the other bed "Really? By who?"

Officer: "Does it matter?"

Hiei: "Guess not." Hiei looked over to Mako and Bolin. "Once I'm out I'll work on getting you guys and Asami out. I promise."

Bolin: "Thanks, Hiei."

Mako: "Yeah, thanks. Good luck."

As Hiei was escorted outside, he saw his mom waiting for him.

Izumi: "I always hoped I'd never have to bail you out of prison."

He sighed in embarrassment "Hi, mom." He walked up to her and hugged her. "Thank you."

She smiled and hugged back before he pulled away.

Hiei: "How'd you know I was in jail?"

Izumi: "Tenzin called me. Said you were helping the Avatar and got arrested for it."

Hiei: "Well, yeah. That's the short version of the story. Speaking of which, I need to find Korra and Tenzin."

Izumi: "Uh, Hiei. Something happened last night."

Hiei: "What is it?"

Izumi: "The Avatar is missing."

Hiei felt his heart sink. "What happened?"

(City hall)

Hiei and Izumi made it to City Hall and when they arrived inside, they found the cops there at the scene of the crime.

Hiei saw Tenzin standing there and went over to him. "Tenzin, what's going on here? Mom said Korra is missing."

Tenzin: "She is. But first of all, I'm glad you're okay."

Hiei: "I'm fine. What happened?"

Tenzin: "I'm not sure. I'm about to talk to Tarrlok now."

Tenzin said as Hiei looked over to see Tarrlok sitting down. Hiei knew he had something to do with it as he walked towards him.

Tenzin: "Hiei, wait!"

Hiei: "Tarrlok! You did it, didn't you? You kidnapped Korra!"

Tarrlok slowly stood up. "Prince Hiei, I assure you I didn't..."

Hiei grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him up. "Don't you lie to me! Korra and I refused to rejoin your Taskforce, you then throw me in prison and later that night Korra goes missing. It's all a little convenient if you ask me."

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