Chapter 38: Ba Sing Se

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{Someplace else}

One of the White Lotus soldiers informed Zuko about the escape of the Red Lotus members.

White lotus soldier: "They came out of nowhere. I'm so sorry, Lord Zuko." He held his head down.

Zuko: "How could you let this happen?"

White Lotus soldier: "They caught us by surprise. And Zaheer is an Airbender now."

Zuko: "No! This can't be. Do you have any idea the power these criminals possess? Individually, they can take down any bender. Put them all together, they could take down the entire world. And now you're telling me their leader is an Airbender?"

White Lotus Soldier: "We can track them..."

Zuko: "We don't need to track them. I know exactly where they're going. Notify the new Chiefs of the Northern Water Tribe that an attack on their prison is imminent. And send word to Lin Beifong in Republic City. The Avatar must be protected."

White lotus soldier: "Where are you going?" He asked before he was greeted by Izana, Karai, and Taiyo who were standing by their dragons.

Zuko: "To stop them." Zuko replied as they all got on their dragons and flew off towards the North Pole.

{With Team Avatar}

Team Avatar were now flying through the outskirts of Ba Sing Se. Half of the team was outside watching Jinora and Asami help train Bumi and Kai while Tenzin, Korra, and Hiei were watching from above.

Korra: "It's so exciting being on a diplomatic mission to Ba Sing Se. What's the Earth Queen like?"

Tenzin: "I've never met her, but I've heard she can be quite demanding."

Hiei: "I met her once when I was little. My mom brought my brother and I here while she had a meeting with Earth Queen."

Korra: "Really? So, what's she like?"

Hiei: "Well... she's a pain. That's all I'll say."

Korra: "Great. Can't wait to meet her."

Just then Bolin rushes over. "This is it, Mako! We've made it! This is where dad grew up! Look, look!"

Mako comes over. "Okay, calm down. I'm looking."

The airship began to fly through Ba Sing Se and Hiei could tell that the outer ring looks worse than the last time he was here. It wouldn't be long before they made it to the Upper Ring and landed outside the Queen's palace.

An older man came out to greet them. "Avatar Korra, Master Tenzin, Prince Hiei, it is a pleasure to welcome you and your party to the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. I'm Grand secretariat Gun."

Korra bows to him. "Thank you."

Bolin comes over with Pabu, Naga, Sora, and Oogi.

Bolin: "Ah, it's got that Upper Ring smell."

Gun: "Ah. The Queen hates animals. We've got to get them out of sight."

Bolin: "Well, I can just stash Pabu in my shirt. These three are gonna be a little tougher."

Gun: "Come with me, Hurry. I'll take you to your quarters."

As Team Avatar walked towards their quarters, Gun tells them everything that they have to do infront of the Queen.

Gun: "Now, when you meet the Queen, make sure you bow low enough. That's very important. And don't look her in the eye, she can't stand that. If any food is served, don't eat before she eats. Oh, Actually, I have to taste her food first, then she eats, then you can eat. Better get, just don't eat."

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