Chapter 6: Task Force

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(Days after the gala.)

Korra and Hiei were about to leave Air Temple Island to go to their first meeting with Tarrlok and his Task Force. Hiei reassured Tenzin that he'll look after Korra and make sure she doesn't get in any trouble.

As they headed towards the docks he noticed Korra looking abit nervous

Hiei: "You okay Korra?" Hiei looked at her

Korra: "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm okay just kinda nervous about this."

Hiei: "Don't worry, we got this. I don't trust Tarrlok that much but this might be the best way to take down Amon." He reassured her

Korra: "Yeah. Maybe you're right." She said slightly smiling

Hiei: "Of course I am. When am I ever wrong?"

She started to laugh "Oh yeah, you're never wrong pretty boy." She said sarcastically

The two got on the boat and headed to Republic City.

(An hour later)

Korra and Hiei are now in their Task Force uniforms and they are in a meeting discussing their first mission

Tarrlok stood in the middle of the table that surround him with his Task Force members "My fellow Taskforce Deputies, tonight we will execute a raid on an underground Chi-Blocker training camp. It's located in the Dragon Flats Borough. According to my sources, there is a cellar underneath this bookstore." He pointed at the blueprint that was on the wall "Where Equalists train Chi-Blocking in secret."

(Later that night)

Outside of the Dragon Flats Borough, the TaskForce truck pulls up outside the bookstore and Hiei, Korra, Tarrlok and the other soldiers jump out of the back of the truck. They go over small windows and took a knee to look inside. There were Equalists inside and they were teaching their new recruits Chi-Blocking. One of the soldiers opened up a tanker for the Waterbender to use. A moment later, they used the water to smash through the windows allowing everyone to get inside. Hiei lands inside and used his Airbending to slam two Equalist members into the wall.

Two escaped out of the back door which Korra saw "I'm going after those two!" She said before she chased after them, Hiei followed behind to keep watch

As she ran through the hall she tripped over a trip wire and looked up to see a masked Equalist soldier lurking above her. She managed to roll out of the way and raised her foot up in the air Earthbending a chunk of rock from the ground and into the Equalist stomach launching him in the air. She fell down on her bottom and before she could catch her breath she saw another Equalist appear behind her ready to kidnap her but Hiei arrived in time and shot a Fireball at the Equalist knocking him out

Hiei: He went over to help her up "You okay?"

Korra: "Yeah, thanks. Nice timing Hiei."

Hiei: "I told you, I got your back." She smiled at him as Tarrlok arrives

Tarrlok: "Wow, well done. You two make a great team." He said

Korra: "Yeah we do." She nudged Hiei's arm

(Next day)

There was a press conference being held about the raid on the Equalist last night

Tarrlok: "Avatar Korra and Fire Prince Hiei have bravely answered the call to action. With the three of us leading the charge, Republic City has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalist's."

Reporter: "Question for the Avatar. Amon remains at large. Why have you failed to locate him?"

Korra stepped up and took the mic. "You wanna know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward. Amon, I challenge you to a dual. No Taskforce, no Chi-Blockers. Just the two of us, tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang memorial island." She dropped the mic and walked out as the reporters began to flood her with questions leaving Hiei there in disbelief "What is she thinking-?" He said under his breath.

(Later that night)

Hiei was at the docks trying to talk Korra out of her decision but she wouldn't listen to him. Just then Tenzin arrived on his glider

Tenzin: "Korra this is madness."

Korra: "Don't try to stop me and don't follow me. I have to face Amon alone."

Tenzin turned his attention towards Tarrlok "This is all your doing."

Tarrlok: "Hiei and I tried to talk her out of it too but she made her decision."

After Korra had got herself together, she used her Waterbending to push the boat off and head towards the island

Tarrlok: "Don't worry, we'll watching the island closely. If anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down."

Hiei sighed as he watched her go towards the Island "I just hope she'll be okay." He said while holding onto his glider

Tenzin placed his hand on Hiei's shoulder "So do I."

(Hours has gone by and still no sign of Amon.)

Hiei and Tenzin had enough of waiting and decided to go over to the Island on their gliders. As they looked for her they would find her on the floor "There she is!" Hiei called out as the two of them rushed over to her

Tenzin: "Korra!" He and Hiei kneeled down and helped her sit up "Korra, are you alright? What happened? Was Amon here?"

Korra: "Y-yeah. He...ambushed me."

Hiei was hesitant to ask "Did he...did he take your bending away?"

She made a small flame in her hand "No..I'm okay."

Tenzin: "Oh thank goodness." He sighed in relief

Suddenly she broke down crying and collapsed into Hiei's arms "I was so terrified! I felt so helpless.." Hiei wrapped his arms around her and held her close "It's alright Korra."

Tenzin: "The nightmare is over." He said

Korra: She pulled back and looked up at Tenzin "You were right..I've been scared this whole time. I've never felt like this before. Tenzin I don't know what to do." She fell back into Hiei's arms.

Tenzin would place his hand on her shoulder "Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them."

Hiei picked Korra up and carried her bridal style out of the room following Tenzin.

(Back on Air Temple Island)

After Hiei placed the blankets over Korra, he walked out and stood infront of Tenzin "I hope she's gonna be okay Tenzin." Hiei said as he looked at her

Tenzin: "You and I both know just how strong Korra is. I'm sure she'll get past this." He placed his hand on Hiei's shoulder "Just be there for her as much as you can."

Hiei nodded "I will."

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