Chapter 48: Saving the Airbenders

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Right now Hiei, Su, Lin, and the Metalbenders are all at the bottom of the mountain and it turned out Tonraq survived the fall. He was saved by one of Su's Metalbenders.

As they're trying to figure out their next move, Hiei heared a bird call. "Bird call? That's Bolin."

They look up and see a baby Bison fly down. They land on the ground. And Kai is with them.

Hiei: "Hey, you guys okay?"

Kai: "Hey, everyone, there's something I gotta tell you."

Lin: "How did you guys make it out of that temple alive?"

Mako: "It was all Bolin. I thought we were done for, then out of nowhere, he Lavabends."

Su looks at him. "I knew you had the potential for something big. You just had to believe in yourself."

Bolin: "You're right. Being moments from death was a pretty good motivator too. Of course, we never would've made it back without Kai."

Kai: "Glad I could help, so, anyway..."

Tenzin: "Did Zaheer get away with Korra?"

Hiei: "Yeah, he did."

Suyin: "Apparently he can fly now."

Tenzin: "What?"

Asami: "How?"

Bolin: "Are you sure?"

Lin: "I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it for myself."

Tenzin: "I've heard the legends about Guru Laghima's ability to fly, but I never imagined they were true."

Hiei: "My grandfather always said that there's always a bit of true in any legend. I guess he was right."

Tonraq: "So, what's our next move?"

Kai: "I have an idea."

Lin: "Not now, kid. We need to figure out where Zaheer took Korra."

Tenzin: "And find the Airbender's."

Kai: "That's what I've been trying to tell you! I know where the Airbender's are and I bet it's where Korra is

Mako: "Why didn't you say anything?"

Kai: "I was... never mind."

Hiei: "Kai, where are they?"

Tenzin: "How'd you find them?"

Kai: "After I got blasted out of the sky I woke up on the side of the mountain, where this little fella found me." He patted the baby bison. "I tried to sneak back into the temple to see if I could rescue everyone, and that's when I saw the airship leaving. I followed it to some caves a few miles from here. That giant lady met up with some people who took the Airbenders into the caves."

Lin: "Was it Ghazan, Aoi, and Ming-Hua?"

Kai: "No, there were four more of them. Didn't look familiar."

Mako: "Must be more Red Lotus members than we thought."

Kai: "I couldn't fight them all on my own. So I came back here, hoping you guys would show up."

Lin: "We need to get to those caves."

Kai: "How? I don't think we can all fit on my Bison."

Just then everyone saw Oogi and he lands down.

Tenzin gave him a pat on the head. "I'm glad to see you too old friend."

Everyone got on Oogi and took off.

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