Chapter 2: Air Temple Island

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After teaching Korra last night, Hiei learned that she is currently staying at Air Temple Island being trained in Airbending by Tenzin who is also Hiei's teacher. Hiei decided to stay in Republic City for the night to spy on the Equalist along with keeping his Airbending a secret from Korra and surprise her tommorow.

Hiei arrived at Air Temple Island to see Korra going through the "Be the Leaf" part of the training. She gets hit by one of the gates and hits the ground

"That's gotta hurt." Hiei said which caused everyone to look over at him

"Hiei!!" Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo yelled in usion as they rushed over towards him and tackled him. Hiei laughed and hugged them "Hey guys." He greeted them before he pulled away "You're back!" Jinora looked up at him smiling "I told you I'd be back didnt I?" Hiei walked over to Tenzin and Korra "Welcome back Hiei. Did you stay at Republic City last night?" He asked since he didn't see him arrive at the temple last night

"Yeah, I stayed the night with my friends." Hiei replied and looked over at Korra "Hey Korra." He waved at her "Wait you two know each other?" Tenzin asked curiously "Yeah, we actually...." Hiei took a glance at Korra and judging by her facial expressions Tenzin didn't know she was at the stadium last night "We met when she first got to Republic City." That was a close one

"That's right, we met at the park. But Hiei, you live here too? and how do you know Tenzin?" She tilted her head

"Ah so he didn't tell you? Hiei is an Airbender as well as a Firebender." Tenzin said placing his hand on Hiei's shoulder.

Korra's jaw slightly dropped "What!? No way!"

"It's true. A lot of people call benders like me Dual-Benders. Tenzin is my Airbending master just like you." Hiei stated

Tenzin nodded and looked at the gates then back at Hiei "Hiei, how about you show Korra how to move through the gates. It may help her." He offered

"Sure, it's been awhile though. Can you get the gates moving?" Hiei asked while he stretched abit

Tenzin nodded and used a blast of air ball to get the gates spinning. Hiei took a deep breath and moved forward and swiftly in between the gates until he made it to the end. Afterwards he went back to Tenzin and Korra

"Well done Hiei, Perfect form." Hiei bowed "Thanks."

Korra recieved motivation to do it again "Okay I'm ready to try again." She got up and rushed inside the gates but due to her lack of patience she gets smacked by the gates "Patience Korra!" Tenzin yelled

Korra started to get frustrated and started to blast fireballs at the gates completely destroying them. Tenzin and the kids watched in surprise "And I thought I was a hot head." Hiei thought to himself

"That was a 2,000-Year old historical treasure. What- What is wrong with you!?" She walked over to them "There's nothing wrong with me! I've been practicing just like you taught me but it isn't sinking in okay? It hasn't clicked like you said it would."

"Korra this isn't something you can force. If you would only listen to me-" Korra would cut him off "I have been but you know what I think? Maybe the problem isn't me. Maybe the reason I haven't learned Airbending yet is because you're a terrible teacher!" She storms off

"Yeah you're a terrible teacher daddy!" Meelo pointed at Tenzin before he started to play in the rubble of the gates. "I'll go talk to her." Hiei placed his hand on Tenzin's shoulder and followed Korra.

Hiei was able to catch up to Korra who was sitting by the docks "Hey Korra." He sat down next to her "Hey Hiei." She looked down and rested her arms on her knees "Look, I know Tenzin can be difficult sometimes but he means well."

"Does he?" She looked over at him

Hiei nodded "Yeah, he does. I struggled with Airbending too yknow?" He looked at her aswell "But how did you get so good?" She asked "Well, I learned to believe in myself. I made myself dedicated to becoming the leaf." She turned her head away and looked back down "I wish I could do that." She sighed "It's not easy but you will one day." He reassured her "So, how is it that you're an Airbender?" She looked back at him "My father was an Airbender. He was trained by Avatar Aang before he died."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Korra felt bad for bringing that up "It's okay. It was a long time ago." Hiei replied. "Do you have any memories of him?" She kept her eyes on him

Hiei nodded "A couple of memories. I was young at the time so they're mostly faint. I just wish he was able to see me Airbend before he passed. He looked down abit

Korra placed her hand on his "I'm sure he's watching over you proud of the skilled Airbender you became." She smiled at him Hiei looked back up at her and smiled "Thanks Korra." There was a small moment between the two as they locked their eyes on each other

"I better go. Got another match tonight." Hiei got up. "You coming?" He looked down at her

She looked up at him and smiled "Yeah, I'll be there." Hiei grinned "Cool! See you later!" He waved as he left the Air Temple

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