Chapter 37: Rebirth

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Today is the day that Team Avatar begins their journey to find and recruit any new Airbenders. While everyone was outside waiting for Asami to arrive with her ship, Hiei would be in his room packing his bag for the trip.

Once he gathered everything, he turned his head towards the wall where he had a picture frame of him, Iroh jr, Izumi, and his father Fuji. "It doesn't feel real dad. After 170 years, new airbenders. I just wish you, grandpa Ezra, and Aang were here to witness this." He smiled at the picture before he grabbed his katana and placed it in his bag. "That should be it." He walked out of his room and made his way outside.

When Hiei made it outside, he looked up to see Asami's airship arriving just in time. Hiei joined everyone as they waited for the monks to pull Asami in.

The doors to Asami's airship opened and there she stood on the walkway "Did someone order a fully equipped Future Industries airship?" She walked down the walkway to greet everyone.

Korra: "It's perfect. Thanks Asami."

Asami: "I figured if we're going to Ba Sing Se to search for airbenders. We should do it in style."

Meelo: "Yay! Airship!"

Ikki: "I wanna see!" She formed an air scooter and went up the ramp

Meelo: "Come on Poki." Poki climbed on Meelo's head before he formed his own air scooter and followed Ikki.

Kya: "While you guys are gone, Pema and I will hold down the fort." She picked up Rohan and gently tossed him up and catching him "Who's excited to spend time with their auntie Kya?" Unfortunately Rohan began to throw up on Kya "Oh." She said as Rohan cooed.

Pema: "Aww, he likes you."

Kya used her Waterbending to clean up the vomit that was on her shirt.

Pema would then turn to Tenzin to bid farewell "I'll miss you sweetie." The two kissed

Tenzin: "I'll miss you too. Once we find the Airbenders, I'll send word. You can join us at the Northern Air Temple then."

Their conversation would get interrupted by Ikki and Meelo as they came rushing down the ramp on their air scooter "Hey! How come Jinora gets to go with you but we don't!? That's so not fair!" She folded her arms.

Meelo: "Yeah, what this girl said. Not fair!" He folded his arms aswell.

Kya: "Because if Airbenders show up here, they're gonna need some guidance from you two. It's a very important job."

Ikki: "Really? Me, a teacher? Yay!"

Meelo: "Those maggots will bow to me."

Tenzin: "Go easy on them, son."

{Time skip}

After convincing Mako to join, Team Avatar took off onward to Ba Sing Se to find new Airbenders. Naga, Oogi, and Sora would be outside leaning over the railing while they held their tongues out. Inside the Airship, everyone is gathered around the table as Mako places the map on it.

Mako: "As of now, these are all the places we've gotten reports about Airbenders. It looks like we can hit up most of them before we get to Ba Sing Se."

Korra: "We're gonna bring back the Air Nation from the brink of extinction after nearly two hundred years."

Tenzin: "And it's because of you, Korra."

Team Avatar made it to their first town as they were immediately greeted by the mayor.

Mayor: "Avatar Korra, oh it is such an honor to have you come to our humble village."

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