Chapter 26: Battlefield

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{South Pole}

It's been two days since Hiei and the rebels were fighting off the North. It hasn't been easy for them since they were greatly outnumbered. Right now Hiei is in the planning room thinking of a way to counter the North's attacks.

Chief Tonraq comes in to see if he had any ideas "Hiei, please tell me you've got something."

Hiei sighed and looked up at him "I wish I did. It's hard to predict where the North is gonna hit next."

Tonraq: "I had a feeling you'd say that."

Hiei: "There's something else, I don't think we should rely on Korra to get the United Forces to come help because it may not work. I have an idea for getting some backup."

Tonraq raised an eyebrow "What is it?"

Hiei: "I think I can get us support from my mom's aunt, Azula. She has a team full of skilled Firebenders and Earthbenders. I believe she would be willing to help. Only problem is-"

Tonraq: "You would have to go to the Fire nation to talk to her."

Hiei: "Exactly, I know you and your men need help but with your permission, I'd like to go."

Tonraq: "It's not a bad idea. You'll head out first thing tomorrow, I'll have a ship ready for you at the docks."

Hiei nodded before he walked over to his sword "Let's get back out there. Your people need us."

Tonraq nodded as the two left the planning room to go back out into the battlefield

As they arrived outside they were greeted by one of the rebels "Chief! They're falling back!"

Tonraq: "Then let's push forward and move them further back!"

As they began to move out, the ground infront of them would get struck by lightning. Hiei looked up to see Han standing on a rooftop above them. "Ready for round 2 kid?"

Tonraq grabbed his machete prepared to fight until he was stopped by Hiei. "Chief, take your men and go on. I'll handle this." Hiei said as he walked infront of him

Tonraq looked at Han then back at Hiei before he sighed "Alright, you make sure to be careful." With that he gathered his men and left the two alone

Hiei and Han began to circle each other for a bit as they ended up in a more open fighting area "This is it, you're going down Han." Hiei planted his sword in the ground.

Han let out a chuckle "The only one who's going down is you Fire Prince. I'll make sure to bury you right next to your father."

This causes Hiei to blast a large blue fireball towards Han who counters it with his lightning blast engulfing the area around them in flames. Han rushes towards Hiei and attempts to punch him in the gut, Hiei took a deep breath and exhaled a large blast of Air shooting Han back.

Hiei rushes towards Han and fires multiple fireballs at him. Han swiftly dodges them and counters with a wave of his lightning that was heading towards Hiei. He used his Airbending to jump to the side but was suddenly met with Han who had kicked him into a wall. Hiei regained focus and looked up to see Han coming down at him with a dagger in his hand. Hiei quickly rolls out of the way with the help of his Airbending as he landed next to his sword.

The two began fighting with their weapons until Han gained the upper hand by emitting his dagger in lightning that was now stronger than Hiei's sword as he knocked it away and slashed Hiei in the leg causing him to fall on one knee.

"Too weak." Han said as he dropped his dagger to pick up Hiei and slammed him down to the ground. As Hiei slowly got up he was met with Han's knee to the gut that sent him flying back due to the sudden impact. Hiei groaned as he tried to regain composure until he heard a crackling noise that made him act on instinct to look up only to see Han getting ready to strike Hiei with his lightning bolt. Hiei got up and took a deep breath which was hard to do since he took a blow to the gut recently. He got in his stance ready for the lightning strike as Han sent it towards Hiei. Hiei focused on the lightning prepared to redirect it which he successfully did as he shot it to where Han was.

After Hiei redirected the lightning he noticed that Han wasn't there anymore. Before Hiei could find Han's location, he was struck from behind by Han's lightning as he stood behind the Fire Prince. Hiei's body fell limp to the ground as Han walked over to Hiei's sword "Don't worry Fire Prince. I'll be sure to give you a proper burial." As Han raised Hiei's sword in the air he was knocked away by a blast of water that sent him into a wall. Before he could recover he was trapped by the rubble around him as a tall mysterious man stood before him with fire in his hands

???: "How is he Chief!?" He called out to the man

Tonraq: "He's alive but we need to get him to safety!" He picked up Hiei

Before the mysterious man could land a killing blow to Han, he was blasted back by the rubble which was caused by Han's lightning as he levitated in the air completely coated by his electricity "I'll be back very soon." He said as he flew away.

The mysterious man gritted his teeth as he watched Han escape. He was prepared to chase after him until he heard Tonraq call out to him

"Izana!" Tonraq motioned him to follow as he retreated with Hiei in his arms.

Izana followed behind Tonraq as they made their way back to safety.

When Hiei's eyes closed he could see images flashing before him. It wasn't his life flashing before his eyes, it was rather a vision he was seeing. He saw his home the Fire Nation, a large building with the Fire Nation symbol, a red dragon, and finally, a very familiar temple with someone inside meditating.

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