Chapter 32: Back to Republic City

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Everyone had been awake waiting for Korra and Jinora to come back from the Spirit World.

Hiei looked up at the sky and realized that it's almost sun up. He sighed "That's it. I'm calling it. I'm gonna in after them." He got up and went over to join the two. Just then Korra wakes up and gasps for air.

Hiei: "Korra!" He went over and held her. "Hey, are you okay?"

Korra: "Yeah... I'm fine."

Tenzin comes over. "Korra, what was it like? Did you manage to close the portal? Was Jinora able to help you?"

Korra: "Tenzin, I'm... I'm sorry."

They all looked over at Jinora who hasn't returned yet.

Tenzin: "Where's Jinora? Why isn't she waking up?" He ran over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders only for her body to fall on him. "Korra, what happened to my little girl?"

Korra that Unalaq was in Spirit World and forced her to open the Northern spirit portal and that he has Jinora in there with him.

Hiei: "Tenzin, we have to get her back."

Tenzin: "We will. Let's head back to the temple."

Hiei: "After that we gotta go to Republic City. We need the help."

Tenzin: "You're right. We'll go to Republic City soon. Let's get back."

They all left and went back to the temple.

{Time skip to Republic City}

Everyone had made it back to Republic City as Oogi landed infront of the Pro Bending arena where Bolin had his movie premiere. Korra jumped down first, then followed by Hiei as he greeted Bolin and Asami. "Hey guys, what's up?"

Asami: "Hiei, you're back."

Hiei: "Yep, Man, it's good to see you guys. I missed you all." He walked over to them and shared a group hug

Asami: "We missed you too. It's great to see you."

Bolin: "Yeah it's good to have you back."

Hiei pulled away

Bolin: "So, what's been happening?"

Hiei: "Well.... I got into an Agni-Kai with a Lightning Bender, I was almost killed, I got healed, and then went on a spiritual journey into the Spirit World to learn how to control my Blaze State and learned some other things. So, the usual stuff.

Asami: "Wow. So alot happened, huh?"

Hiei nodded "Yep."

The three then walked over to Korra and Tenzin who were talking with President Raiko

Korra: "Unalaq doesn't just want to take over the South anymore. He wants to destroy the whole world."

Bolin: "Unalaq is gonna destroy the world? He really does have a Doomsday device?"

Hiei: "A what? What happened while I was gone?"

Asami: "It's a long story."

Korra: "He's trying to release a powerful Dark Spirit during Harmonic Convergence, which is only a few days away. If he succeed, the world as we know it is over. Sir, we really need your help."

Raiko: "I'm sorry, Korra, but my answer is still no."

Tenzin frowned "There are lives on the line! And my daughter is one of them. Raiko, you must reconsider."

Raiko: "I'm aware lives are on the line and that's precisely why my troops are staying here. If the world is going to be thrown into chaos, like you claim, I need to protect my citizens. I'm sorry."

Bolin walked up to Raiko "Sir.. Nuktuk needs your help. I know you love helping people."

Raiko: "Son, I appreciate you saving my life, and I'm a big fan of your work but my decision is final." He walked off leaving the group.

Bolin: "I never should've saved that guy."

Asami: "If you guys need help, I'm here for you."

Bolin: "Yeah, me too."

Korra: "Thank you. It's good to see you guys again."

Hiei: "Wait. Where's Mako?"

{Time skip}

After getting Mako out of jail for being set up by Varrick, everyone including Beifong went to visit him inside his cell.

Bolin: "Where's all the stuff you stole from Asami, Varrick?"

Varrick: "The Future Industries stuff? It's on my battleship."

Korra: "You have a battleship?"

Varrick: "Of course I do! I bought the first one they made, named her the Zhu-li." He said as he went back to his seat

Hiei: "You named your battleship after your assistant?"

Varrick: "Yep. They're both cold, heartless war machines."

Zhu-li approached Varrick with a tray holding his tea "Your tea, sir."

Varrick: "Look, I am truly sorry for the mess I caused. Let me make it up to you. Take Zhu-li. My battleship, it's yours and everything on it."

Korra: "It's not the fleet we were looking for, but it's the next best thing."

Hiei: "Given the fight we're about to head into, we should take anything we can get."

Bolin: "Alright! Team Avatar is back in business!" He pulled everyone into a bear hug unfortunately, Hiei was still feeling pain from his scar Han gave him

Hiei: "Ow, Ow, Ow! My back." He said as Bolin quickly released them

Bolin: "Ooh, sorry bro."

Hiei: "It's fine."

Team Avatar left to go join the others.

{Time skip}

Everyone was now on the Battleship heading towards the South. Korra and Hiei were currently in their quarters they took for themselves. She was sitting on the bed looking at the lightning scar Hiei recieved on his back, a reminder on how he almost died. "Does it still hurt?" She spoke up breaking the silence.

Hiei: "A little." He replied as he felt her gently rub the scar

Korra: "I really wished you would've told me."

Hiei: "I wanted to." He turned around to face her "I just thought you had enough to worry about, the last thing you need to worry about is me."

Korra frowned a bit "I'm always gonna worry about you. You're my boyfriend. You're always going to be a high priority."

Hiei smiled "Thanks, I love you, Korra."

Korra: "I love you too Hiei." The two of them kissed for a brief moment "I hope my dad is okay."

Hiei: "I'm sure he is. If he's anything like his daughter, then he's fine."

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