Chapter 51: Visiting Korra

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(Air Temple Island)

Inside the dining room; Raiko, his wife and Prince Wu; Lin, and Mako standing guard and, Taiju, Maki, and Asami with Tenzin's family.

Meelo: "When Korra gets here, I bet she's not even going to know who I am."

Ikki: "Why is that?"

"Because Meelo the boy.." Meelo appears against a cheery background with a poorly done crayon drawing. "..has turned into Meelo the man!" The background changes to one of a dragon and platypus bear, their attires satirizing fighting games. Meelo strikes a "tough guy" pose.

Ikki: "Right. You're completely unrecognizable."

Wu: "You've never had the tea leaf wrap? You have no idea what you're missing. The face massage alone is to die for."

Cut to Lin and Mako.

Mako: "Ugh. This coronation cannot come soon enough. I can't wait to go back to being a detective."

Lin: "Right... umm... yeah, about that..."

Mako: "What?"

Lin: "I don't know how to tell you this... you're going to Ba Sing Se... with the prince."

Mako grabs Beifong by the shoulders in disbelief. "No!"

Lin: "I tried to get you out of it, but it's over my head. Wu personally asked Raiko. He says he doesn't know what he'd do without you."

Mako: "This can't be happening! I'm not even an Earth Kingdom citizen; I work for the Republic City Police Department."

Lin: "Not anymore."

Both Lin and Mako glance at Raiko, who is laughing with Wu.

Lin: You're just a pawn in Raiko's diplomatic game. You can try talking to him, but I don't think he's going to let you quit."

Suddenly, Hiei had arrived inside the dining room as he made his way towards Asami after greeting everyone else.

Asami: "Hey. You decided to come."

Hiei: "Hey. And yes, I came. Partly, cause I know you'd never let me hear the end of it if I didn't."

She laughed. "True, but thank you for coming. I know it isn't easy for you."

Hiei sighed. "Yeah, it's not. I thought after almost two years, I'd be okay."

Asami: "I get it. You don't have to explain."

Hiei smiled. "Thanks."

Just then an Air Acolyte comes into the room. "There's a Southern Water Tribe ship pulling up to the dock."

Meelo & Ikki: "Korra!"

The two rush out of the room.

As everyone else leaves, Asami stops and looks at Hiei. "You coming?"

Hiei: "Yeah, just give me a minute. I'll catch up."

Asami: "Okay. Sure."

As she left the room, Hiei began to sit back and think when he first visited her after her fight with Zaheer.

{Two Years Ago, South Pole}

Katara and Korra were currently waiting outside for Tenzin and Hiei to show up.

Just then Oogi flies down and as soon as Tenzin jumps down, he is immediately hugged by Korra.

Korra: "It's so good to see you."

Tenzin: "How have you been, Korra? You look great."

Korra: "I feel great. Wait, where's Hiei?"

Tenzin: "Well, he should be here any..."

Just then Sora flies in and lands down.

Katara: "Let's give them a moment, Tenzin."

He nods.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Hiei said as he gets off his dragon.

Korra: "Hiei!"

Hiei: "Korra!"

She runs over and jumps into his arms. Hiei catches her and spins her around as he hugs her. He gently sets her down and the two kiss.

They pull away, but hold each other close.

Korra: "I missed you so much."

Hiei: "I missed you too."

She then notices a new small scar down his right eye.

Korra: "Babe, what happened?"

Hiei: "Ah, it's nothing. Izana and I had a run-in a Red Lotus cell. We took 'em down, but their leader left me with this. It's not that bad."

Korra: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Hiei: "I didn't want you to worry."

She looks down. "I'm always gonna worry."

Hiei puts his hand on her chin to make her look at him. "Hey. I'm okay. I promise." He kisses her again.

Korra: "Okay."

She grabs his hand. "Come on. I wanna show you and Tenzin how much better I'm doing." She said as she drags him along.

At the White Lotus training arena, Korra is sparring with White Lotus Firebender's. She was doing good at first but as time went by it seemed as if something was holding her back. Just then, she fell down hard after one of the attacks.

"Alright, the match is over." Tenzin said as him and Hiei rushed over to Korra.

Korra takes off her helmet and Hiei helps her up. "I thought I was ready." She said.

Tenzin: "There's no shame in taking the time you need to make a full recovery."

Hiei: "He's right. Things like this take time."

Korra: "They didn't for you back when Han broke your back."

Hiei: "It was different for me Korra. I had no choice but to heal fast. You have the time to let yourself heal slowly."

Tenzin: "Hiei's right. Being the Avatar can wait. I know you want to help, but trust me, everyone has it all under control. I just think you need to..."

She looks at him. "If you say, "be patient" I swear I'm gonna water-smack you in the mouth."

Tenzin: "No... I was going to say you need to... not worry about the future. Be great for where you are now and the progress you've made."

Korra throws down her helmet and walks away.

Hiei sighed. "Real smooth, Tenzin. Real smooth. I'll go talk to her."

Hiei went to go follow Korra.

(Back to the present)

'That was the last time I've seen her before we broke up.' Hiei thought to himself.

He sighed before he went out to join the others.

When he made it to the docks, he saw Tonraq and Naga. Naga rushes past everyone and tackles Hiei to the ground as she immediately starts licking Hiei's face.

Hiei chuckled. "Hey, Naga. It's good to see you too."

She let's Hiei get up as Tonraq and Tenzin come over. "Tonraq, it's good to see you again." Hiei said.

Tonraq: "You too, son."

The two shake hands.

Hiei: "So, where's Korra?"

Tenzin: "Well, Tonraq thought she was here with us as she left the South Pole to come here six months ago."

Hiei: "What?"

Tonraq: "That's right. She told her mother and I she'd be here."

Hiei: "We haven't seen her. And I doubt the Avatar could wonder Republic City without anyone noticing."

Tenzin: "That leaves only one question. Where is she?"

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