Chapter 22: Civil War

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Everyone finally make it back to the Southern Water Tribe but when they got there they saw that the Northern Water Tribe forces are there too.

Korra looked over at her uncle "What are all your Northern troops doing here?"

Unalaq: "Opening the Spirit Portal was only the first step in getting the Southern Water Tribe back on it's righteous path. There's more difficult work to be done before our two Tribes are truly united."

{20 minutes later}

Hiei would be in his hut meditating trying to repeat the poem Guru Laghima left behind "Let go your earthly feather-?" Hiei opened his eyes confused "Was it feather or weather..?" He dropped his head and sighed "Ugh, no way this Guru Laghima guy learned how to fly." He sat there for a moment before he decided to head out into the city.

As Hiei walked out of his hut he would be greeted by Mako

Mako: "Hey Hiei, wanna go to the city with me?"

Hiei: "You must've read my mind. Let's go."

The two Firebenders began to walk into the city

Hiei: "So where's Bolin? Figured he would be here as well."

Mako: "He's actually..busy right now." He rubbed his head

Hiei: "Unalaq's daughter huh?"

Mako: "Yep."

Hiei chuckled a bit. Since they were on the topic of relationships he figured Mako was the right person to ask "Hey, I need some advice."

Mako looked over at him "What is it?"

Hiei: "So, whenever Korra is in a bad mood she tells me so many things that are going on in her head. Do you think I should be supportive or y'know..."

Mako: "Hmm, as her boyfriend you should be supportive. It's always better to be supportive because that's what makes her know that someone is there for her but she just has to see that herself."

Hiei: "I knew I could ask the ladies man for advice." He nudged Mako's arm

Mako: "Yeah, Yeah." He playfully pushed Hiei as they continued to walk

They arrived at the city and they walk through the town together. They saw Bolin in the distance and Bolin also sees them. "Mako! Hiei! I'm so glad to see you guys!"

Mako: "You all right, bro?" He looked down at Bolin who was grabbing onto his shirt

Bolin: "No! No! I'm not all right, I can't take this anymore. Listen I don't wanna live in an icy bliss with Eska. Don't make me go, please...! Please, don't make me..." he looked over at Hiei "Hiei! You're the Fire Prince, surely you can do something!?"

Hiei: "Uh, Technically I can't."

Bolin: "Oh come on!" He pulled away from Mako

Mako: "Uh, if you're that unhappy you could just break up with her."

Bolin: "Break up with her? You can do that?"

Mako: "Yeah. Guys do it all the time."

Bolin: "How?"

Mako: "Just tell her you're not that into her anymore."

Bolin: "Oh no, no, no. I don't think she'll like that."

Mako: "Ending a relationship is kind of like pulling off a blood-sucking leech. You just gotta rip it off and get it over with. You'll feel a lot better afterwards. Trust me.

Bolin smiled "Thanks Mako. I'm lucky you're so good at breaking girls hearts. Heh, Asami better watch out."

Mako gives him a glare.

Bolin: "Ooh, no it's just a-"

Hiei: "Bolin, you should go. You wouldn't want to keep Eska waiting."

Bolin: "Right! See you guys later!" He waved at them as he ran away to catch up with Eska and Desna.

Hiei sighed "We should probably head back before Korra finishes her meeting."

Mako: "Yeah."

{Time Skip}

Hiei walked out of the hut just in time as he saw Korra ride up on Naga.

Hiei walked over to greet her "Hey, babe. How was your day?

She gets off Naga's back. "Oh, fabulous. My Tribe's about to go to war and I'm supposed to stop it, but will anyone listen to me? No! And I didn't ask for my father's help, can't he just let me be the Avatar?"

Hiei blinked "Uh... do you want my advice or am I just supposed to listen? I'm still not clear on that."

She sighed "I'm sorry, babe. My dad just gets me all worked up sometimes."

Hiei gently grabbed her and held her close. "How about you take a break from all this Avatar stuff and we and go out for a quiet dinner tonight, just the two of us."

She smiled brightly and hugged him tight before pecking his lips "I'd love that."

{Another Time Skip 😅}

After Hiei reassured Korra and calmed her down, the two went out to dinner, but it hasn't exactly gone as planned since they were now having dinner with Bolin, Eska and Desna.

Bolin laughed awkwardly "This is fun right? We never get to spend enough time together, just the five of us... So fun."

Eska: "Excuse us while we retrieve more sustenance." Eska and her brother left

Bolin: "You guys gotta save me."

Hiei: "I thought you were gonna break up with her. What happened to ripping off the leech?"

Bolin: "I tried. But every time I bring up the subject, she threatens to freeze me in a block of ice and feed me to dolphin-piranhas!"

Hiei: "So it was more like you tugged at the leech."

Bolin: "Yes, over and over again, but it won't come off." He looks at Korra. "Why didn't you warn me that your cousin had the power to reach into my heart and crush my soul with her bare hands?"

Korra: "Uh, cause I thought it was pretty obvious."

Bolin: "No, no. Not to me it wasn't. I'm very bad at reading people. You should know that by now. Oh, man! Do something, Avatar!"

{30 minutes later}

The dinner had gotten so awkward that it came to Hiei having to pretend to be sick so they could leave.

Now Hiei was in his hut meditating once again trying to remember Guru Laghima's poem while Korra went out to talk with her parents. Hiei started to grunt in frustration "No way I'm having trouble remembering some stupid little poem!" He used his Airbending to knock his sword off the wall and onto the floor. He sighed before he got up and picked up the blade his grandfather gave him placing it back on the wall "I should get some rest. It has been a long day." He said to himself as he flopped on his bed closing his eyes.

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