Chapter 20: Evil Spirit's Pt.2

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Today Team Avatar is preparing to travel to the South Pole. It's where Unalaq wants to start Korra's spiritual training. Right now Korra and Hiei are packing up and placing their gear on Naga's back.

Korra: "I thought you said Bolin was coming." She looked over at Hiei

Hiei: "That's what Mako told me, but I can't worry about that. I have to make sure you have everything you need for a safe trip."

Korra: "Thanks captain expedition but I'll be fine." She smiled at him

Just then Tonraq arrived on a snow speeder who was quickly met by Unalaq

Unalaq: "Tonraq, what do you want?"

Tonraq: "I heard you're taking Korra to the South Pole. I'm coming." He crossed his arms

Unalag: "Absolutely not. You're a distraction to Korra and a hindrance to what needs to be done."

Tonrag: "My daughter is not going without me! She needs someone to watch after her."

Korra: "Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for me?" She looked down at him as she was now on Naga

Unalaq: "Because he's misguided. The sad truth is men like your father put the spirit world out of balance. He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since!"

Korra: "What happened in the past?"

Tonrag: "It doesn't matter. What matters is the everstorm."

Mako: "The everstorm?"

Tonrag: "It's a massive blizzard that battered the South Pole for decades." He turned towards Unalaq "I'm coming. Unless you think you can stop me." He said trying to intimidate his brother.

Their intense moment would be interrupted by Bolin in the distance "Guys! Hey, wait for me!" He arrived in a snow speedster with a side car attached to it "Check it out. I'm travelling in style."

Mako: "Where'd you get the ride?"

Bolin: "Varrick. He's awesome. He also gave me this fancy snowsuit. It's inflatable with an internal heater, emergency beacon and a food ration pouch.
I mean if I get lost I can survive in this for at least a month. Who wants some freeze dried cucumber quads?" He held his hand out offering the group a snack "Nobody? Did I interrupt a conversation?"

Korra: "No, the conversation is over." She looked over at her father "Dad, come if you want. Just don't interfere with my training."

Eska got up from her snow speedster and walked up to Bolin "Does this sidecar have the capacity for two passengers?"

Bolin: "Sure does. But uh, who's gonna drive?"

{10 minutes later}

Bolin is now driving Eska and Desna in his snow speedster with an annoyed look on his face

Mako looked down at him smiling on the horse camel "Well what do you know? Looks like-"

Bolin: "Go away Mako."

Korra and Hiei stopped next to Unalaq

Korra: "So once we get to the South Pole, then what happens?"

Unalaq: "You will open an ancient Spirit Portal."

Korra: "I'm sorry, what now?"

Unalaq: "At the South Pole there's a portal that connects our world to the Spirit World. But it has long been closed."

Hiei: "And that's why the evil Spirits are attacking?"

Unalaq: "There are no evil Spirits, Prince Hiei.
All spirit's have light and dark in them. But when they're unbalanced the darkness takes over. If you can open the portal in time, balance will be restored."

Korra: "What do you mean 'in time' ?"

Unalaq: "There's a reason the Glacier Spirit's Festival ends on the Winter Solstice. That's when the Spirit World and our world are close together.
Only then can the Avatar open the portal."

Korra: "The Winter Solstice is tomorrow."

Unalaq: "Exactly. And we can't afford to wait another year."

Hiei looks to see Naga turn around and growl loudly. Hiei turns back to see three spirits in the distance.

"Easy Naga." Korra rubbed her head as she and the others looked over at the three spirits as well

Bolin: "What are those?" He asked with a scared tone in his voice

Korra: "Dark spirits."

The mist appears and the spirits disappear.

Tonraq: "Let's keep moving. We have to find a safe place to set up camp."

Tonraq and Hiei go ahead as they set up the camp. The others join and they all gather around the campfire.

Korra: "Uncle, why do you think the dark spirits are following us?"

Bolin: "Can we not talk about dark spirits, please?"

Mako: "My brother doesn't like ghost stories."

Eska: "Don't worry, I will protect you my feeble turtle duck."

Bolin: "Thank you." He said hugging on Eska's arm

Unalaq: "Sadly, this story isn't a ghost story. This is real. "

Bolin gasped and hid himself in his jacket

Unalaq: "The spirits are angry because he's here.
Haven't you ever wondered how your father ended up in the South Pole? Why he's never taken you to visit his homeland in the North?"

Tonraq: "Unalaq. This is not the time."

Unalaq: "You're right. You should've told her a long time ago."

Korra: "Told me what?"

Tonraq: he sighed "I left the North Pole because... I was banished."

Korra: "You were banished from the North? Why?"

Tonraq: "Because I almost destroyed the entire tribe. 20 years ago I was a General in the Northern Water Tribe. Sworn to protect my people. Barbarians attacked the city and so I took my men to battle. I drove them out of the city deep into the frozen tundra. We tracked them deep into an ancient forest. Many believed this forest was home to spirits. And the barbarians retreated there because they thought we wouldn't attack on such hollowed grounds. They thought wrong. We captured the barbarians but in the process we destroyed the forest. I didn't realize the consequence that I have done. By destroying the forest I had knowingly angered these angry spirits.
They spread to destroy everything and the entire city. Unalaq was able to guide the spirits back into the forest. But by then the damage had been done.
For being the cause for so much devistation, my father banished me from the Northern Water Tribe in shame. That's when I came to the South Pole and started a new life."

Bolin: "Woah... So, you were supposed to be chief. Then he became chief. No wonder you guys don't like each other."

Mako hits Bolin on the side.

Bolin: "Ow! What? Isn't that what happened?"

Korra stood up and looked at her father "I can't believe you kept this from me!"

Tonraq: "I was protecting you from the shame I brought on the family."

Korra: "Why do you keep hiding things from me and then telling me it's for my own protection? I am tired of you protecting me!" She walked away.

Tonraq: "Korra.." he looked down in shame

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