Chapter 54: The Return of the Avatar

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As Hiei and the others were discussing a plan about Kuvira, the doors would open and Hiei lifted his head up to see Jinora, Ikki and Meelo with Korra. Hiei stood up. "Korra?"

Korra looks at Hiei and smiles. "Hi, Hiei."

Suyin goes over to Korra and hugs her. "I can't believe it. Where have you been?"

Hiei: "Great question."

Suyin: "You disappeared. Everyone was so worried."

Korra: "I'll tell you all the whole story later. Right now I wanna help you stop Kuvira. What can I do?"

Suyin: "Let's talk outside."

Suyin leaves the room with Korra.

Opal comes over and puts her hand on Hiei's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Hiei sighed. "Yeah, I'm good. I knew I'd see her again. I just didn't think it would happen here of all places."

Opal: "She seemed happy to see you. That's something, right? Maybe that means there's something still there."

Hiei: "I don't know what it means, Opal. I'm not the same person I used to be. Neither is Korra by the looks of things."

He shook his head. "My love life isn't the priority right now, Opal. We've got bigger things to deal with." He said as he left the room to clear his head.

(With Korra)

Cut to the Zaofu metalbending courtyard, where Korra and Suyin stand in darkness.

Korra: "How did things get so bad between you and Kuvira? I thought she was your protégé."

Suyin: "She was more than that. She was like a daughter to me. I took her in when she was eight years old and nourished her talents. Kuvira was smart, a natural leader, and quickly rose through the ranks. I saw myself in her."

Korra: "What happened?"

Suyin: "Three years ago, after the fall of the Earth Queen, Taiju, Raiko and Tenzin came to see me."

The scene sinks into Suyin's memory of the meeting. Suyin and Kuvira stand at the head of the room, while Taiju, Raiko and Tenzin sit on the sofas on either side of the room.

Raiko: "The Earth Kingdom is in chaos. There's a vacuum of power, and I'm concerned about what will happen if someone doesn't take control of the situation."

Suyin: "And you think I should be the one?"

Tenzin: "You're the perfect person to take charge. The world leaders trust you, and, as a Beifong, you have credibility in the Earth Kingdom."

Suyin: "I'm honored that you thought of me, but I'm not interested in imposing my ideals on an entire nation."

Behind Suyin, Kuvira's head turns slightly toward the matriarch as she hears her refusal.

Suyin: "I'm afraid I can't help you."

Kuvira: "Suyin, I know this isn't my place, but I think you should do this. Zaofu has always been a beacon of modern progress, and now you can share that with everyone."

Suyin: "What would you have me do? March into Ba Sing Se with an army? We'd be seen as conquerors and greeted with nothing but war."

Kuvira: "There are already wars. The Earth Queen nearly destroyed our nation. This is our opportunity to change things."

Suyin: "It's not going to happen."

As Suyin turns away from Kuvira, her face fills with hurt, then ices over with resolve. In the present, Suyin is still speaking to Korra, but the scene stays in the past, where Suyin is walking across a vast platform toward a line of airships.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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