Chapter 39: A prison break

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{North Pole}

Zuko, Tonraq, and the twins stood outside the prison waiting for Izana and the others to arrive back with news on Zaheer.

Suddenly, three dragons landed down on the snow and Izana was the first one to hop off. "Did you see Zaheer?" Tonraq asked.

Izana: "The only thing we saw was a snowstorm heading our way."

Everyone turned to see the large cloud of snow approaching them. Luckily, Tonraq was able to tell what it really was "That's not a snowstorm. That's him." He stated.

Everyone ran towards the snowstorm as they saw the snowmobile emerge from it. Zaheer and Ming Hua were the first ones to rush Zuko and the others.

Tonraq: "I put you away once, Zaheer, and I'm going to do it again."

He began the fight by sending a water sphere towards Zaheer but with his new ability, he dodged the sphere and used his Airbending to sweep Tonraq on the ground. Before he could attack Tonraq, Izana came in and shot a fireball at Zaheer while Taiyo helped Tonraq up. Zaheer threw a right hook towards Izana but Izana deflected the punch and sent a jab into Zaheer's gut, knocking him back, allowing Izana to jump up and kick a wave of fire. That would be the case but Aoi had emerged from the truck and used her Metalbending to trap Izana's feet and hands.

Taiyo took notice of it and called out to his sister "Karai!" The Earthbender turned her head to see Izana captured and immediately rushed over to him. She opened the fight by throwing shurikens at Aoi. Aoi deflected the shurikens with her metal staff and charged at Karai attempting to hit her. Karai pulled out her sword and clashed it with Aoi's staff.

Taiyo turned his head towards the twins and saw that they were frozen by Ming Hua "Oh no." He jumped up and used his firebending on his feet to fly towards Ming Hua, who was already in the prison. Once he had arrived it was too late when he saw that Ming Hua had freed P'Li and Kenji.

Kenji: "A brat?"

Ming Hua shot four icicles at Taiyo but due to his quick reflexes, he dodged them with ease before he shot a large fireball at them. Kenji moved Ming Hua out of the way and absorbed the fire Taiyo shot at them. "This brings me back." He shot the fire back at Taiyo but it was greater than any other fireball. The impact was too much for Taiyo to handle so in result, he was overpowered by it as he got sent flying back.

Ming Hua: "Let's move." She handed two ice axes to Kenji while P'Li climbed on her back.

While Izana was trying to use his raw strength to break out of the metal restraints, his attention would then turn to P'Li, Ming Hua, and Kenji as they emerged from the hole Ming Hua created. "No!"

The dragons flew towards the trio and shot their fire at them but P'Li and Kenji deflected the attack which was enough to fuel up their Firebending. "I've waited 13 years to feel this warm." P'Li stated as she looked up at the dragons and shot a blast at the four of them, knocking them down.

Zuko was too busy in his own fight with Ghazan as he tried to dodge his boulders, but age had caught up with Zuko as he had got hit by one, knocking him down in the snow.

Aoi swung her staff at Karai, but Karai dodged by leaning back and using her feet to kick the staff in the air. Aoi was caught off guard by her reflexes and in result she was kicked away by Karai. "Izana." She turned towards her brother and threw shurikens at his restraints, breaking them as he was now free.

Aoi used her metal bending to break apart her metal staff that was in the air and used them to latch on Karai's upper body. "What the-" before she could react, she was lifted up and slammed into the snow, not getting a chance to recover. Izana tried to help by launching a fireball towards her but his fist was caught by Kenji as he absorbed the fire and planted his left hand on Izana's gut "See ya." Kenji said before his left hand bursted with flames as he sent Izana flying back with Zuko.

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