Chapter 50: After All These Years

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(Central City)

Raiko: "And of course, my biggest thanks goes to Asami Sato and Future Industries. She brought our old central terminal into the modern era. Ladies and gentlemen, the world is entering a new age of peace and prosperity. Soon, Prince Wu will take his rightful place on the Earth Kingdom throne."

Wu would be striking a pose for a reporter about to take a photograph.

Raiko: "And thanks to our updated rail system, Republic City and the Earth Kingdom will be united like never before!"

The crowd applauds as Raiko and Asami cut the ribbon to ceremoniously open the new station. Fade to a shot of Asami talking to a reporter, who is being approached by Prince Wu. "Hey there! Asami, right? Great train house. Maybe you can give me a personal tour sometime, what do you say?"

Asami: "I do like the idea of putting you on a train and sending you far, far away."

Wu: "That's... that's funny. I like funny dames. Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Prince Wu, future king."

Asami: "Yeah... I'm aware of who you are."

Wu: "Don't let my reputation intimidate you. I'm still human just like everyone else. Only more human, like, extra human, or, hmm, superhuman."

Asami: "Superhuman?"

Wu: "So, what do you say? Can I show you a low-key night out with a superhuman soon-to-be king?"

He wiggles his eyebrows, with Asami giving him an even weirder look. Suddenly, Mako and Hiei interrupts them.

Mako: "Prince Wu! President Raiko has some really important... king stuff to talk to you about."

Wu: "Now? Fine. Think over the offer." He blows her a kiss-hand and walks off. "I'll be back."

Asami rolls her eyes.

Mako: He's a real charmer, huh?

Hiei: "Mako, if you wanna meet a Prince who's a real charmer, he's standing right infront of you."

Asami laughs. "He's got a point, Mako. He's... something though. How can you stand being his bodyguard?"

Mako: "Well, I just remind myself that once he's on the throne, I go back to being a Detective."

Asami: "And that works?"

Mako: "I also go home and slam my head into the wall for an hour, just to get the stress out."

The three began to laugh.

Asami: "It's good to see both of you again. It's been too long."

Hiei: "Yeah, it has. We've all been so busy."

Asami: "That's true. Have either of you heard from Bolin lately?"

Mako: "I haven't talked to him for awhile, but he's coming in a few days for the Coronation. And Beifong told me that Korra is getting in tonight."

Asami: "I can't wait to see her. It's gonna be weird having the old Team Avatar back in the city after all these years."

Hiei: "Yep. It feels like yesterday we were here all together fighting Equalist's."

Mako looks at Hiei. "So, are you gonna be there tonight, when Korra gets in?"

Hiei sighed. "I haven't decided yet."

Asami looks over at him. "Hiei, I know you haven't seen or spoken to her since you two split, but I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

Hiei: "Maybe. Look, I'll think about it. I got get back to the Air Temple. I'll see you guys later."

Hiei left and began to walk back to the Air Temple. Suddenly, he heard Asami call out to him. "Hiei, wait!"

Hiei turned back. "What's up, Asami?"

Asami: "I just wanna talk. If you do come tonight to see Korra are gonna tell her about... you know..."

He rubbed his head. "I don't know. I hadn't thought about it. Are you?"

Asami: "I think we should tell her, but it's your call."

Hiei: "If you want to tell her, you can. I'll be okay."

Asami: "Okay, I just wanted us to be on the same page about all that before Korra got here."

She sighed. "Well, I better get back to work. I'll see you tonight?"

Hiei nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."

Asami: "Okay, bye."

She kisses Hiei on the cheek, then leaves.

Cut to Tenzin, Taiju, Prince Wu, President Raiko and Lin Beifong.

Tenzin: "After your coronation, the United Forces will escort you to Ba Sing Se."

Wu: "Right. About that. Are we all positive that the Earth Kingdom is safe enough for me to return? I don't have to remind everyone what happened to my great-aunt three years ago?!" He starts imitating Hou-Ting suffocating. "May she rest in peace."

Raiko: "Prince Wu, I assure you, Kuvira has the Earth Kingdom pretty much stabilized at this point."

Wu: "Uh... define "pretty much"."

Tenzin: "Well, the roving bandits have mostly been dispersed."

Wu: "Mostly?"

Taiju: "Don't worry kid. The chances of you being assassinated are almost zero."

Wu: "Almost?"

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