Chapter 27: No place like home

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It's been two days since Hiei was knocked out by Han's lightning strike to the back. Katara was able to heal him properly since she's dealt with this type of wound before. Izana (Hiei's older cousin) was able to get ahold of Hiei's mother who had just arrived last night. Hiei was currently trying to walk with the help of Tonraq but he stumbled and fell.

Izana: "Whoa, take it easy Hiei."

Tonraq: "You were doing well there kid." He said as he helped Hiei back up.

Hiei: "Yeah, if I was a toddler trying to walk for the first time." He sighed

Izana: "Cut yourself some slack, you just took a lightning strike to the back for crying out loud."

Izumi: "Izana's right. If it wasn't for Katara's healing, you'd be paralyzed right now."

Hiei sighed "You're right." He turned to face Katara "Thank you Katara. I really appreciate it."

She smiled at him "Of course."

Izumi: "Hiei, I still think we should tell Korra about this. She needs to know."

Hiei shook his head "There's no need."

Tonraq: "She's right, kid. Korra would want to

Hiei: "No. Tonraq, we can't. Korra has enough to deal with right now. The last thing she needs to be worrying about is me."

Tonraq sighed "Okay. But you still need to tell her."

Hiei nodded "I will once this whole thing is over." He slightly winced his eye from the pain in his back "I'm gonna go to my quarters, there's something I need to do." He stood up and left the room.

{Hiei's quarters}

Hiei's been having the same dreams for the past two days, like they were trying to tell him something. Right now Hiei is currently sitting in the middle of the floor in his room meditating. He starts to have those same images flashing through his mind. He sees the large building in the Fire Nation, then his grandfather Zuko and his dragon. Afterwards, Hiei sees Zuko's dragon flying towards a familiar temple, the Northern Air Temple. Inside he sees himself mediating. Hiei opens his eyes as he gasped.

The door to his room opens as his mother came in "Hiei, is everything okay?"

Hiei: "Yeah I'm fine. Just had another vision." He stood up "I know what I need to do."

{Katara's healing hut}

Izana: "So you think that this will help you?" He tilted his head

Hiei nodded his head "If I meditate at the Northern Air Temple I'll be able to find out what the rest of my vision is trying to tell me."

Izumi: "So there's more to your vision?"

Hiei: "Yeah." He looked over at Tonraq "I know I said that I'll stay and help you fight but this is something I need to do."

Tonraq: "If there's one thing I know about Airbender's it's that when they need to follow their instincts, it's usually the right thing to do. My men and I can handle Unalaq for awhile."

Hiei smiled and nodded "Thank you."

Izana: "I'm going too."

Hiei: "No, this is something I need to do alone."

Izana: "If you think I'm letting you do this alone then you don't know me that well."

Hiei sighed "Alright fine. Let's head back home."

Izumi: "I'll get the ship ready." She walks out as Izana followed

Hiei looked over at Tonraq "Thank you again Tonraq, I'll be back to help as soon as I can."

The two shook hands "Good luck kid." Tonraq said

Hiei: "You too."

And with that, Hiei left the room and headed towards the ship.

{The next day, Fire Nation}

Izumi, Izana, and Hiei are now back at the Fire Nation. As they departed the ship the Fire Nation citizens greeted Hiei. When they arrived back home Hiei checks out the place "It feels like this place has gotten smaller." He said

Izana: "Nah, you've just gotten taller." He nudged Hiei's shoulder

Hiei chuckled "Fair point."

Izumi: "Your room is just as you left it."

Hiei: "Thanks mom."

Izana: "So, what's the plan?"

Hiei: "Well, it's late now. So, let's get some sleep and we'll head out first thing tomorrow."

Izana: "Alright. I'll pack some things up, so we're ready to go tomorrow morning."

Hiei: "Alright. I'm gonna walk around for a bit. The more I walk, the better I'll feel."

Izumi: "We'll be here if you need us."

Hiei nodded before he left to walk around the palace for a bit. As Hiei wondered around the house he started to reminisce the times where he and his cousins used to play several games together like hide and seek. A sigh escaped from Hiei as he started to think about the visions again. Hopefully his visions will lead him to something. Something that can help him stop Han and Unalaq.

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