Chapter 46: The Ultimatum

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After following the sand-sailer tracks, Hiei would end up back at the Misty Palms Oasis. He landed down on the ground. When he stood up, he saw people staring at him.

Hiei: "What, never seen a Fire Prince Airbend before?

Just then Hiei would get tackled to the ground by Sora. "Hey buddy, I missed you too." He chuckled as Sora backed up to let him up. He looked over and saw Naga come over. "Hey girl, you okay?" He stroked her. "Did Korra and Asami make it here?"

Naga looks over to a tavern. He would then see Druk nearby. "No way, Druk?"

Hiei walked up to him and Druk puts his head against his. "It's good to see you, pal. What are you doing here? You here with grandpa?"

After the reunion, Hiei walked into the tavern where he would see Korra with his grandpa, Tonraq, and Lin.

Hiei: "Korra."

She turns towards him. "Hiei." She comes over and they hugged. "Are you okay?"

Hiei: "Yeah, I'm good. I scared that thing off and followed the tracks here."

He said as they pulled away as Asami comes over and they hug.

Asami: "I'm glad you're okay."

Hiei: "Thanks. You too."

They pull away and go over to the other's.

Lin: "Hey, kid. You okay?"

Hiei: "Yeah, nothing I couldn't handle."

He looked to Tonraq. "Tonraq, it's good to see you."

The two shake hands.

Tonraq: "You too, Hiei."

He looked to Zuko and smile.

Hiei: "Hey, gramps."

Zuko: "Hiei. Come here, son."

The two would hug for a moment then pull away.

Zuko: "Korra told us what you did. Are you sure you're okay?"

Hiei: "I'm okay. I didn't think about it, I just did it."

Zuko: "You get that from your mother."

Hiei chuckled. "That's funny, she always said I got that from you."

He laughs. "Maybe."

Hiei: "So, what'd I miss?"

Korra: "Hiei, the Earth Queen is dead."

Hiei: "What? How?"

Lin: "We don't know, but Ba Sing Se is bound to be in chaos right now."

Zuko: "I've sent Izana and the rest of the warriors to go calm things down over there."

Hiei: "Have you guys heard from Mako and Bolin?"

Asami: "No, nothing yet."

Hiei: "So, what's the plan now?"

Korra: "We're not sure."

Just then, they heared something going on outside.

Korra, Asami and Hiei go out there to see Mako and Bolin are there.

Bolin: "Asami, Korra, Hiei. You guys are okay!"

They go over to the two and they all hug.

After that they pull away.

Lin: "Good. You guys aren't dead."

Zuko, Tonraq, and Lin come out.

Mako: "Don't get all mushy on me, Chief. Tonraq, sir." He bowed.

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