Chapter 34: Harmonic Convergence

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{Inside Unalaq's quarters}

Hiei, Asami, Mako, and Bolin are thrown inside the hut where Korra and the others were being held. Mako looked up at the group with a tired look "We tried." That was all he could say. Just then Unalaq walked inside the hut "Congratulations everyone. You've all got front row seats for the beginning of the new world order."

Korra: "You don't know what you're doing Unalaq. Freeing Vaatu won't make you powerful. It will only make you a traitor to everything good that's happened for the last 10,000 years."

Unalaq: "You think what Avatar Wan did was good? Driving almost all the spirits from this world? The Avatar hasn't brought balance. Only chaos. You call yourself the bridge between the two worlds, but there shouldn't be a bridge. We should live together as one."

Korra: "Even if Vaatu escapes, I'll put him right back in his prison, just like wan did."

Unalaq: "It's true that, when Wan fused with Raava, he tipped the scales in her favor. But this time I'll be here to level the playing field. When Harmonic Convergence comes, I will fuse with Vaatu. And together we will become the new Avatar. A dark Avatar. Your era is over."

Tonraq: "Think about what you're doing. I know that you've always had a deep connection with the spirits but you're still a man. You're still my brother. You're Eska and Desna's father. Are you willing to throw your humanity away to become a monster?"

Unalaq: "I'll be no more of a monster than your own daughter. The only difference is that, while she can barely recognize her own spirtual power, I will be in complete alignment with mine. Vaatu and I will be as one. No one will be able to stand against us." Eska and Desna looked at each other "Keep them locked up. After the Harmonic Convergence, I will come for Korra."

Eska: "Yes, Father."

Unalaq and his men walked out of the hut. "I failed in every way. We've lost Jinora forever." Tenzin looked down. "There's still a chance, they didn't get Bumi." Kya responded but Tenzin just groaned.

While Eska and Desna were watching the spirits fly around the portal, Korra called out to them "Eska, Desna, listen to me. You've got to help us stop Unalaq. I know he's your father but Vaatu has made him completely crazy." Eska walked up "We will never betray our father."

"Please, if you let me out now, I can still stop him from destroying everything. Once he fuses with Vaatu, no one will be safe. Desna, he won't be your father anymore." The twins looked at each other before Desna walked towards Korra "You don't know what you're talking about. Our father is the wisest man in the world. If he says what he is doing is right, I believe him."

Moments later and Bumi slid into the room on a chair knocking over the twins as he stopped infront of everyone. "Alright guys, rescue time!" Eska and Desna stood back up but before they could attack, Naga came inside with Pabu on her head as she pushed the twins into each other knocking them out. After everyone was free they went outside to see the base completely destroyed. "Bumi, how did you manage to take out this entire encampment on your own?" Tenzin asked as he looked at his elder brother. "I did it all with my trusty flute and... ah, never mind. You wouldn't believe it anyway. Let's get moving." Everyone walked towards the spirit portal and stopped just outside of it. "You run through the portal. I'll try and hold off anyone who comes after you." Said Tonraq. "No you're hurt. You need a healer." Korra looked over at Asami. "Asami, can you take Oogi and my dad back to my mom?"

Asami nodded while Korra looked towards her dad "This is my fight now." Tonraq looked at his daughter for a moment "Korra." He pulled her into a hug. "I love you." Korra hugged back "I love you too dad."

Asami and Tonraq would then leave with Oogi, Naga, and Pabu. Everyone else gathered around. "Once we're inside, Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi will look for Jinora. Hiei you deal with Han. Mako and Bolin will take care of Unalaq while I close the portal, so Vaatu can't escape."

Bolin would then speak up "Wait a minute! Worst case scenario, so we're fighting Unalaq, you close the portals, and let's just say something happens to you. Are we gonna be trapped in there for eternity?"

"If everything goes as planned, we'll all walk out together after Harmonic Convergence. If not..." she would just sigh "Let's go." Everyone ran inside the portal and made it into spirit world. They were welcomed by a group of Dark spirits that were around Unalaq "Tenzin go find Jinora." She went into her Avatar State and knocked the spirits back with her Airbending. Hiei looked over to the side and saw Han standing by a tree "Ready for round 2 kid?"

"More than." Hiei responded as he flew up towards Han using his Firebending. The two had a stare off as they circled each other, Hiei begins the fight by jumping forward and shooting flames towards Han. The lightning bender jumped towards the side and shot a beam of lightning at Hiei already going for the kill, Hiei was prepared as he caught the lightning ready to redirect it but Han was gone from Hiei's vision as he appeared behind the dual bender with another beam of lightning ready. Suddenly, Hiei would vanish leaving Han confused before he was struck by lightning from behind. Han tumbled on the ground as he looked up shocked "What!?" Hiei stood there holding his right hand that was sparking "What's wrong? Afraid that I countered your only move?" Hiei taunted as he got back into his stance "Little punk." Han jumped up and fired multiple lightning blasts at Hiei.

Hiei drops down and spins on the ground but as he does, he shoots fire towards Han. The fire hits Han and knocks him back down on the ground. Hiei jumps up and pulled out a dagger before he rushed towards Han. As Hiei attempted to strike Han down with his dagger, Han managed to recover and deflect Hiei's dagger with his sword. Han swung his sword towards Hiei's head but luckily he ducked down and swung towards Han's chest who backed up just in time as his clothing got ripped, Han gritted his teeth as he fused Lightning onto the blade of the sword. When he clashed his sword with Hiei's dagger, Hiei would get knocked back by the impact of the lightning. Han rushed forward and  kicks Hiei in the side before he swung his sword towards Hiei's neck, Hiei ducked down but when he did, Han hit him with an uppercut knocking him into the air before he blasted him back with his lightning.

When Hiei crashed into a rock, he recovered quickly as he jumped behind the rock to take cover from Han's blasts. "You can't hide behind that rock forever, kid! I'll get you! And I'll put you in a grave right next to your father!" Han yelled as he continued to fire lightning blasts towards Hiei. Before Hiei could do anything, he looked up and saw that the two portal beams have collided meaning Harmonic Convergence has begun.

Hiei closed his eyes and thought back to the time when he visited his grandfather Ezra.

Ezra: "You need to find an anchor. Someone or something that can keep you in control when you go into the Blaze State. I want you to think of Korra.
Picture her in your mind. Think of her when you go into your Blaze State."

"Korra.." Hiei whispered before he opened his eyes which were now a fiery red meaning his Blaze State is active. Hiei shoots himself up in the air and hovers above Han using his Airbending.

"Impossible!" Han snapped "Not when you have the right anchor." Hiei responded before he launches multiple blue flames at Han. Han gets hit as he stumbles back abit still surprised on how Hiei mastered his Blaze State. He gritted his teeth before he flew up towards Hiei swinging his fused lightning sword at him. Hiei caught the sword and the lightning that was fused in the sword would shift into Hiei as he redirected it into Han's chest knocking him back. Hiei took a deep breath before he shot a large blue fireball from his mouth as it hit Han sending him flying. Hiei used his Airbending to launch himself towards Han as he landed on top of him and started to punch him repeatedly. Hiei stood up and summoned an lightning blade prepared to kill Han. "What are you waiting for? Do it!" Hiei goes to strike him but instead of Han, he strikes the ground. Han looked at Hiei as he powered down.

Han: "What's stopping you? Have you not got the guts to kill another man?" He stood up.

Hiei: "It's not about that. I'm not gonna let you turn me into a monster. I'm not gonna let my hatred for you turn me into a killer. My father wouldn't want that. My mercy will prevail over my wrath."

Han chuckled "That's a load of crap, kid. You know you're just one bad day away from becoming like me."

Hiei shook his head "I'll never be like you." He quickly kicked Han in the face knocking him out. "Now for Unalaq and Vaatu."

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