Chapter 3: Korra joins

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(Later that night)

Korra walked inside the locker room to see Mako leaning against a wall, Bolin sitting on the bench with his head down and Hiei sitting on the floor by his locker.

"I didn't miss your match did I? You guys look like you lost already."

"We might as well have." Bolin continued to look down

"Hasook is a no good no-show." Mako sighed in defeat when the ref came in the locker room and gave them their estimated time to go out there and play

"Well there goes our shot at the tournament, and the winnings." Mako said while Hiei looked down at his helmet

Korra looked over to Mako and asked "Can't you ask one of those guys to fill in?" She pointed to the other team that was in the locker room

Bolin shook his head "Nah, the rules say you can only compete on one team."

"Well then how about me? I'm a top notch Waterbender if I do say so myself." She placed her hand on her chest. "It's not the worst idea." Hiei stated as he got up from the floor

"But you're the Avatar. Isn't that cheating?" Bolin asked "It's not cheating if I only use my Waterbending." She added

"I'm down." Hiei gave her his vote since he was an Airbender but only used his Firebending to obey the rules. Mako shook his head "No way! I'd rather forfeit than have you guys look like a fool out there." He folded his arms

"Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence." Korra turned her attention to the ref that had came back in to verify the teams entry "Times up you guys in or not?"

"We're in!" Hiei and Korra answered together "We are-?" Mako was caught off guard by their quick answer "Yes!!" Bolin shot up and placed his helmet on

"Hey, I didn't agree to this!" Mako got up from the wall and looked at the three

"You can thank me later." Korra said as she went to Hasook's locker and grabbed his uniform "This girl is crazy." Mako replied.

Moment later, Team Fire Ferrets are out there against the Platypus Bears. When the bell dinged Korra used her Waterbending to knock one of the players off the side of the ring. Mako rubbed the bridge of his nose.

The ref blew his whistle "Fire Ferret Waterbender penalty! Move back one zone." Korra was confused on why she caught a penalty "What? How?"

"You're only allowed to knock players off the back of the ring. Not over the sides." Hiei told her "Ohh. Whoops-" Korra moved back to zone 2 and got in her stance. When the bell dinged again Korra committed a foul and was sent back to zone 3, the crowd began booing.

With ease the Platypus Bears were able to take round 1.

As the next round started, the Platypus Bears focused their attacks on Korra since she was very new to this. Out of instincts Korra used her Earthbending to protect herself leaving everyone shocked. A few minutes passed and the official came back and allowed Korra to continue as long as she only used Waterbending. As the match continued Korra was knocked out of the ring by the Platypus Bears leaving only Hiei and Bolin to defend themselves while she was greeted by Tenzin at the bottom.

Round three starts and The Platypus Bears back Bolin and Hiei up to the ropes while their Firebender was knocking Korra back to zone 3. Korra kept her balance and began to move swiftly dodging the attacks, being the leaf. The Platypus Bears ran out of juice giving Hiei and Bolin the chance to attack. Korra, Bolin, and Hiei came together and sent all three of the Platypus Bears out of the ring and into the water.

The Fire Ferrets were able to clutch up and win their way into the tournament. Hiei ran over to Korra and hugged her "Korra you did it! That was amazing!" She hugged back and chuckled "Thanks, I guess Tenzin is a pretty good teacher after all."

(Back on Air Temple Island)

Korra and Hiei walked over to the training area to find Tenzin and the Air Nomads putting the gates back up. She stopped for a moment and looked up at Tenzin "I'm really sorry about everything I said. I was frustrated with myself and I took it out on you."

"I think I owe you an apology too. I was trying to teach you about patience but I lost mine."

Korra: "No hard feelings?"

Tenzin looked at her "Of course not. By the way you were really good out there tonight. Both of you were." He smiled at the two

"Wait, you stayed and watched-?" Korra and Hiei were both surprised since he wasn't a fan of the whole Pro Bending thing

Tenzin nodded "I did. Turns out Pro Bending was the perfect teaching tool for you. You moved just like an Airbender Korra."

"She did and she was amazing." Hiei agreed

"She was." Tenzin replied

"Well, I'll see you both tommorow for Airbending practice bright and early! Oh and by the way, Hiei allowed me to permanently join the Fire Ferrets and we're playing in the tournament in a couple of weeks!" She runs off to her room

Tenzin looks over at Hiei and sighed "I did say it was a perfect teaching tool for her huh?" Hiei nodded "So are you gonna be here tomorrow for training?" Tenzin asked Hiei

"Yeah that's what she said. Besides I figured that Korra's a handful so you're gonna need help training her."

"You were a handful too yknow? You still are in fact." Tenzin chuckled

"Very funny." Hiei stretched and yawned "Welp I'm gonna go crash for the night."

"Goodnight kiddo" Tenzin rubbed Hiei's head and in return he gave him a quick hug "

Goodnight Tenzin." Hiei walked off and headed towards his room

As Hiei changed into some shorts and a white shirt, he rested on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He couldn't believe that he was gonna be training with the Avatar tommorow.

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