Chapter 4: Saving Bolin

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(Pro Bending arena)

It was early in the morning and team Fire Ferrets would be in the gym training, passing a weighted ball to each other.

Korra caught the ball and sighed "What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil.." she passed the ball to Bolin "We're the rookies, so we get the worst time slot in the gym." Bolin passed the ball to Hiei "We also gotta get you up to speed." Hiei passed the ball to Mako "Especially since you're the rookiest of us all. I suggest you deal with it if you wanna survive in the tournament." He passed the ball to Korra harder than before she caught the ball and stumbled abit "You deal with it." She chucked the ball back at Mako who recieved the ball in his gut causing him to fly back holding onto the ball

As Korra stood there with her arms folded Butakha stood at the entrance and greeted everyone "There's my little hardworking street urchins." He approached them and greeted Korra "It's an honor to finally meet you Avatar."

"And you are?" Korra looked up at the man who seemed to be in his early 40s

"Butakha! I run this whole Pro Bending shebang." He pulled out a stack of money from his jacket and handed it to Mako "Here's your winnings from the last match." However he started to confiscate the money back as payment, rent, and loans. "Oh and also, the Fire Ferrets need to ante up 30,000 yuans for the championship pot."

"30,000 yuans!?" Bolin asked completely shocked

"Sorry kids, you got till the end of the week to come up with the dough or else you're out of the tournament." He walked out of the gym and Bolin looked over at Hiei "You wouldn't happen to have a secret Fire Prince bank account overflowing with gold would you?" Hiei shook his head "Sorry man, I'm all tapped out." He replied since he had bought a few personal things that were needed

"So how are we gonna come up with the money?" Mako asked the group as he placed the weighted ball inside the duffel bag

"OOH, OOH, I got it! I've been training pabu to do circus tricks, now people would pay good money to see that!" He said while he held pabu up

"Come on Bolin. We need serious ideas." He started to walk towards the exit "Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. I always do."

(Back at the Air Temple)

Hiei was inside doing one handed push ups while Meelo was on his back keeping count "One hundred!" Meelo jumped off Hiei's back and stood infront of him "Heh, thanks for keeping count Meelo." He gave him a high five "Yeah! That was fun we really should-" Meelo felt his stomach growl "Uhh I gotta poo-" he rushed towards the bathroom leaving Hiei there chuckling which had came to a stop when he overheard Mako telling Korra about Bolin being missing "Hmm."

(An hour later in Republic City)

After getting intel from Skoochy. Korra, Mako, and Hiei walked up to the door of the hideout Bolin was taken to. While Hiei and Mako took cover at the entrance like cops Korra simply walked up to the door and kicked it open while the two Firebenders poked their heads in. From the looks of it, it seems like there was a fight going on "Bolin, you in here?" Suddenly a motorcycle engine started to rev out back. The three ran out to see four Equalist soldiers on their motorcycles and a large van with Bolin and the Triple Threats inside "Bolin." The three ran towards them but one of the Equalist members threw a smoke bomb at them and drove off. Hiei used his Airbending to clear the smoke. "Naga come!" Mako and Korra jumped onto Naga while Hiei summoned an Air scooter and began their chase after the Equalist.

They continue to chase after the Equalists as Mako throws a fireball at one but they dodged. Korra uses her earth bending to stop them but she ended up creating a ramp for the Equalist instead. They follow them to an open area as three Equalists stayed back. One throws a rope as it ties around Naga's legs causing her to fall. Korra and Mako fly in the air and landing on the ground.

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