Chapter 9: The truth

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After learning that information, they immediately headed back to Sato Mansion to find this factory.

They made it to the Sato Estate and bursted into the house.

Asami: "What are you doing here!?"

Lin walked inside "We have reason to believe there's a factory hidden below the mansion."

Asami: "I think I would have noticed if there were a factory underneath my house. The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father..."

Tenzin: "Where is your father?"

Asami: "In his workshop behind the house."

The team would then go to the workshop at the back of the house. They go in and no-one is there

Asami: "Dad? Hello?"

Officer: "Chief, the Estate's been secured. No-one has left the workshop since we arrived."

Lin: "Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving." Lin goes to the middle of the room and stomps down on the floor. "There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, it leads into the mountain side."

Asami: "What? There's no tunnel."

Lin uses her Metalbending to reveal a secret passage way.

Bolin softly gasps "Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?" He whispered to Asami

Asami: "I don't understand. There must be an explanation."

Korra: "Maybe you don't know everything about your father. I'm sorry."

Lin: "Officers, into the tunnel, be cautious." With that her men headed inside the tunnel along with Korra, Hiei, and Tenzin.

Mako, Bolin, and Asami tried to follow but was stopped by Lin "Uh-Uh, you three stay here. Officer song, keep and eye on them.

After that everyone aside from Mako, Bolin and Asami go into the tunnel. The platform began to descend.

A moment went by and the platform stops and everyone goes across the walkway. They go inside the factory and saw Equalist's banners

Hiei: "This isn't your average backyard workshop."

The walls are lined with robotic suits.

Korra: "And I'm guessing those are the new weapons."

Tenzin: "Hiroshi was lying, alright. But where is he?"

Just then metal walls came up and surrounded them.

Hiei: "Well, this can't be good."

Lin tries to use her Metalbending, but it doesn't work.

Sato: "I'm afraid you won't be able to Metalbend that wall, Chief Beifong." He said as the lights came on and the suit's activate. "It's solid platinum." The suit's start moving to box them in. "My Mecha-Tank's are platinum as well. Not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure."

Korra: "Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying, no-good Equalist. Come out here and..."

Sato: "And do what, young Avatar? Face the wrath of your Bending? No. I think I'll fight from inside here, where my odds are a little more... equal."

Hiei: "Equal." That's cute."

Lin: "That source was a set-up. You lured us down here."

Sato: "Guilty as charged." The Mecha-Tank's attacked them and everyone spreaded out to deal with them.

Hiei tried to use Firebending to melt the tank's but it doesn't work. "Oh-"

As they fight the Metalbending officer's get taken down one by one. Tenzin, Korra and Hiei fight off Sato's tank. Korra then gets thrown away and hits a wall. Hiei reacted quickly and caught her with his Airbending to soften her fall.

Tenzin and Hiei rushed towards the two approaching tanks as they jumped into the air, but they were hit with cables that wrapped around them and shocked them.

Hiei & Tenzin: "Ahhh!!!!"

They both blacked out

A large hole began to form in the ground and Mako and Bolin's heads popped out to see the Metalbenders get thrown into the truck

Bolin: "Oh no."

Mako: "Korra was right. We gotta do something quick."

The two brothers snuck up towards Hiei, Korra, Tenzin, and Lin. When they had gotten closer they saw that Hiei was using his Airbending to cut the wires by shooting a sharp wind blade from his mouth. As he broke free, he helped Mako and Bolin out by picking up Korra while they grabbed Tenzin and Beifong.

Sato: "Not so fast, boys."

They look over to see Sato and the Lieutenant standing infront of them.

Bolin: "Hello, Mr. Sato. Wow. What a really... swell, scary factory you have here under your mansion."

Mako: "Sponsoring our team. Supporting the Avatar. It was all just a big cover."

Sato: "Yes. And the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with a Firebending street rat like you!" He and the Lieutenant started to charge up their weapons before he heard a familiar voice call out to him

Asami: "Dad, stop!" She looked at him in disbelief "Why..?

Sato: "Sweetie... I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth please forgive me."

Hiei saw Korra start to wake up so he gently put her down, but still supported her.

Sato: "These people, these...benders, they took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world. But with Amon we can fix it and build a perfect world together. We can help people like us everywhere. Sato handed her an Equalist shock glove. "Join me Asami."

She slowly took the glove and looked up at Sato. "I love you dad." She shocked Sato and took down the Lieutenant.

Mako: "Let's get out of here." They all went down into the hole Bolin made and managed to escape, barely.

(Ten minutes later)

Everyone was back on the Airship except for Lin's Metalbenders.

Mako walked over to Korra and Hiei "I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys, but Asami's dad being an Equalist isn't an easy thing to believe. Even now."

Korra: "I know. I'm sorry the whole thing happened."

Hiei: "Me too."

Mako: "So, does you offer to live at the Air Temple Island still stand?"

Hiei: "Yeah, man. Of course. And Asami is welcomed too."

Korra: "After everything she's been through, she needs you now, Mako."

He nodded and went back over to Asami

After Mako left, Korra looked over at Hiei. "Hey, so thanks for the save back there. I'd probably be on my way to Amon too if it wasn't for you."

Hiei: "Of course. You know I'd never let anything bad happen to you right?"

She smiled and hugged him "I do now, more than ever. I'd never let anything bad happen to you either." She felt his arms wrap around her and once again she felt safe.

Hiei smiled "Thanks, Korra."

"It's weird I thought I was supposed to be with Mako, but I don't think it's true. I was wrong. I think Hiei is the one I'm meant to be with. I think deep down I've always felt this way about him. But does he feel the same way about me? That's the question." She thought to herself.

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