Chapter 44: The Stakeout

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{In Suyin's office}

The guard arrived with a report about Aiwei.

Lin: "What did you find?"

Guard: "We located the end of the tunnel, but there's no sign of him. Just some fresh tire tracks."

Mako: "He had an escape plan all ready to go."

Suyin: "I trusted him with my life. I thought we were family but it was all a lie."

Mako: "Whoever these guys are, they're more powerful than we thought. And more dangerous."

Korra: "That's why we have to find them. We're going to hold off our search for airbenders and hunt down Aiwei. Naga can track his scent."

Asami: "And I bet if we find Aiwei, we'll find Zaheer."

Lin: "No. We're not hunting this group. There could be other secret agents in other parts of the world looking for you right now. I'm taking you back to Republic City where I can protect you!"

Korra: "If I wasn't safe here, then I'm not safe anywhere. I have to stop them."

Lin: "It's too dangerous. You're not going!"

Korra: "Stop trying to protect me. I'm the Avatar. This is my job!"

Lin: "Don't lecture me about jobs!"

Suyin: "Enough. Korra, listen to Lin."

Korra: "But they-"

Suyin: "Please. Lin's only looking out for you. I promise you Aiwei and everyone he's working with will be brought to justice."

Korra: "Fine. If you really think it's best."

Suyin: "I do."

Lin: "Thank you, Su."

Suyin: "Everyone should get some rest tonight. I'll have my people prep your airship and you can leave first thing in the morning."

Afterwards, Team Avatar sat in the lounge thinking of their next plan. That was until they heard a knock on the door.

Korra answered and saw that it was Suyin standing there. "Su."

Suyin: "You really think Naga could track Aiwei?" She walked in.

Korra: "Definitely."

Suyin: "Then here." She handed her some keys. "There's a jeep packed with supplies by the east gate. It's all gassed up and ready to go."

Korra: "What? Why?"

Suyin: "Because I want you to hunt down Aiwei and bring him back to me."

Bolin: "But you said-"

Suyin: "I said what Lin wanted to hear, and I bought you guys some time. Go. I'll deal with Lin in the morning."

Korra: "Let's get this guy."

Korra walked up to Suyin "Thanks." The two shared a hug.

As Team Avatar were in pursuit of Aiwei, Korra would be traveling on Naga, Bolin, Mako, and Asami were traveling on jeep while Hiei traveled on Sora.

{Time skip}

Team Avatar had finally arrived to a run-down town.

Korra: "Aiwei's definitely been through here. Good tracking, girl." She patted Naga.

Mako: "Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seen him."

Hiei: "Good idea. There's a tavern there, let's check it out."

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