Chapter 31: The Meditation Circle

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Everyone was on Oogi as they all followed the Dragon-Fly Bunnies. "Oh you're just so cute. I'm gonna name you Bumju. It's short for Bumi Jr. Don't you think he looks like me?" He smiled at Tenzin with Bumju next to him

Tenzin: "The resemblance is uncanny." He said sarcastically

Jinora: I think dad's mad at me.

Kya placed her hand on Jinora's shoulder "Your father's not mad. His pride's just a little bruised since he isn't able to see spirits like you."

Korra: "You have a natural gift. That's pretty lucky."

Hiei: "She's right, I mean I didn't start seeing the spirits until I came out of the Spirit World, but you've been seeing 'em all along."

Jinora: "You two are the lucky ones. Korra, you got to meet the first Avatar. I know about alot of Avatar's, but I don't know anything about him. Is it even a him, or is it a her?"

Korra: "It's a him. Avatar Wan. He was amazing, I saw how he became the first Avatar by fusing with Rava. The spirit of light."

Jinora: "An Avatar's part spirit? Of course just like the statue!"

Kya & Hiei: "What statue?"

Jinora: "When we were at the Southern Air Temple. I was drawn to this old carving, I couldn't figure out what it was until now. It was the first Avatar."

Korra: "When did this happen?"

Jinora: "It was on the Solstice."

Hiei: "Isn't that the day you opened the Southern

Korra and Jinora: "Whoa..."

Suddenly Oogi started to land as everyone hopped off "We're here!" Bumi yelled

Everyone started to follow the Dragon-Fly Bunnies while Tenzin seemed a little frustrated as they were walking and they saw a line of rocks in a circle. They walk in the middle of it as Hiei and Korra saw carvings.

Korra: "Look, there are carvings on them."

Hiei: "These must be old."

Tenzin: "This is an ancient air bending meditation circle."

Jinora: "There's a lot of spiritual energy in this place. But it feels really strange."

Tenzin: "We'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony."

Bumi: "What are you talking about?"

Tenzin: "Dad, taught it to me. This site has been neglected for many years. A cleansing ceremony will strengthen its connection to the spirit world."

They all sit down as Tenzin performs the cleansing ceremony and he makes the smoke circle around the meditation circle. The dragonfly bunnies fly away.

Bumi: "Good job. You cleansed the area with the only spirits that wanna help us. And you scared away Bumju."

The ground suddenly starts to shake as the dark spirits appear from the ground and they fly into the air. They quickly run and they hide behind the rocks. Korra and Tenzin try to take down the dark spirits with their bending but it had no effect. Korra runs back in and she waits for the dark spirits to gather. The dark spirits fly at Korra but she wraps them around water as she sends them to the light and they fade away. The molds and vines disappear from the rocks and everything clears.

Kya: "Amazing.."

Hiei & Jinora: "Whoa.."

Tenzin walked up to Korra "Your spiritual training has come a long way."

Korra: "Unalaq may be a horrible person. But his spirit powers are no joke."

Tenzin: "He taught you how to transform dark spirits. I can't even get you into the spirit world."

Korra: "Everything Unalag taught me was to help himself. Everything you've done was meant to help me. I am so sorry for turning my back on you as my mentor. I need you now more than ever."

Tenzin: I won't let you down. The two of them hugged. "The ancient air benders must have built this site. If we meditate here we'll be able to enter the spirit world."

Korra: "Why don't you go first."

Tenzin: "After all these years, my father's dream for me will finally come true."

{Two hours later}

Two hours had passed and Tenzin was still trying to get Korra into the Spirit World which wasn't working.

Bumi got tired of waiting so he got up and grabbed a very long stick as he made his way to Tenzin who was still meditating. He began poking him "You in the Spirit World yet?"

Tenzin: "No, I am not, and stop bugging me." He used his Airbending to pick up the stick and toss it aside.

Kya: "It's okay Tenzin. Maybe you weren't meant to guide Korra into the Spirit World."

Tenzin: "No, just give me some time."

Kya: "Stop being so stubborn. It's not your destiny. I think Jinora was meant to guide the Avatar."

Tenzin got up "Jinora will not enter the Spirit World! She's not ready for the dangers on the other side, but I am. I've spent years training, studying and mastering everything there is to know about the Spirit World."

Korra: "Tenzin, we're running out of time."

Tenzin: "If everyone could just be quiet and let me focus." He turned back facing the stone

Jinora up to her father getting his attention "Aunt Kya is right. I can guide Korra into the Spirit World. I'll be alright."

Tenzin looked at everyone then back to Jinora

Tenzin: "Perhaps I will never have the connection with the spirits like I always wanted. Like my father wanted me to have."

Jinora hugged Tenzin "It's okay, Daddy."

He placed his hand on her head "I'm proud of you." He then looked over at Korra "Go. Close the portal. We'll wait here and keep your bodies safe until you return."

Korra: "We'll be alright."

Korra and Jinora were now sitting infront of each other preparing to meditate until Hiei knelt down by them "

Hiei: "Okay, you two. You've got about six hours until sun up. If you guys aren't back by then, I'll come in after you, okay?"

Jinora nodded

Korra: "We'll be okay babe."

Hiei: "I know, good luck and be careful." He got up and sat with Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi

A moment later Korra and Jinora stopped moving, hinting that they were in the Spirit World

Kya: "Now, all we do is wait."

Hiei nodded.

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