Chapter 8: Luxury

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After what had happened at the Pro-Bending arena. Hiei and Korra spoke to Tenzin and he allowed Mako and Bolin to stay at Air Temple Island with them.

As Korra and Hiei arrived at the arena on Naga, they jumped off and went over the police tape and inside the arena.

Mako and Bolin were in their rooms packing their stuff up preparing to move out "I still can't believe they're shutting this place down." Mako said as he carried his box

Bolin: "Yeah, we had some good memories here, didn't we?"

Korra: "Guys, great news!" Korra and Hiei came up the stairs "You don't have to go back on the streets. Hiei and I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements."

Hiei: "Yep, you two can come and live on Air Temple island with us."

Mako: "Oh...well, we'd love to but-"

Bolin: "Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!" He stood up "From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us."

Asami: "Oh, Hey Hiei. Hey Korra. I was hoping you two would stop by." She placed pabu down and climbed down the stairs

Korra: "Well we were just leaving. So I guess we'll see you guys around. Sometime." She grabbed Hiei's hand and walks away with him

Asami: "Why not tommorow? I'd love to have you guys come visit the estate."

Hiei: "Yeah, that sounds great. Doesn't it Korra?" He looked over at her

Korra: "Uh, yeah okay."

Asami: "Great, we'll see you guys tommorow."

The two left and headed back to Air Temple Island.

(The next day)

Korra and Hiei arrived at the mansion and the butler greeted them and escorted them towards the indoor swimming pool where Mako, Bolin, and Asami were.

Butler: "Avatar Korra and Fire Prince Hiei have arrived."

Mako: "Hey Korra."

Asami: "Glad you made it."

Bolin emerged from the pool with his arms out "Welcome to paradise." He then floated on the water as pabu rested on his chest

Korra and Hiei sat down

Korra: "Looks like you guys settled right in."

Mako: "Pretty much. Except someone forgot to asked her father if we could stay here." He said referring to Asami as he swam with her

Asami: "Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."

Hiei: "It's weird, the same goes if you're the son of the Fire Lord."

Bolin got up from the pool and looked down at Korra and Hiei "This is the greatest place in the world. Watch this, Watch this. Fetch me my towel, good sir." He demanded the butler

Butler: "Yes master Bolin." He picked up his towel and stood by him holding it out

Bolin: "Master Bolin. Hah, I love this guy!" He T-Posed for the butler "Now pat me dry."

Butler: "As you wish." He dried Bolin and Pabu off

Bolin cheesed and jumped right back into the pool while Asami swam over to Korra and Hiei

Korra: "So, what do you have planned for us today? Let me guess; shopping, makeovers."

Bolin: "Ooh, Ooh! I call makeovers!" Bolin yelled before Mako tackled him underwater

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