Chapter 33: Southern Spirit Portal

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(South Pole)

Team Avatar had just made it to the South Pole and they were now on the way to the Southern troops base after Asami had gotten a distress signal. As Oogi landed, Korra comes in on Naga and immediately goes after her mother. "Mom!" The two shared a hug "I'm so happy you're here." Senna said "Where's dad?" Korra asked. "Unalaq and Han wiped out the entire Southern resistance and captured your father." Korra placed her hands on her mothers shoulders "I'll get him back."

Just then Tenzin walks over with Jinora in his hands "Where's my mother?"

Senna: "She's in the Healing Hut. So many injured."

Everyone walked inside the healing hut and saw that there was a lot of badly damaged Southern rebels. Katara looked back and saw Tenzin holding Jinora in his arms "What happened?"

Tenzin: "Her soul has been trapped in the spirit world."

Katara: "Oh my goodness. How long has she been away?"

Kya spoke up. "Almost a week. I tried to keep her energy flowing. But I can feel her slipping away." Kya looked up at her mother. "You're the only one who can help her now mom."

Mako nudged Hiei's arm signaling him and the others to go outside and think of a plan while Korra stayed and talked with the rebels to gather information.

Moments later, she walks out and joins with the others. "I talked to the rebels. They said Unalaq's got the Southern portal surrounded. Harmonic convergence is only a few hours away."

Tenzin: "Then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal now."

Korra: "There's no use in talking anymore. We know what our mission is."

Bolin: "A suicide mission."

Bumi: "Y'know, I was in a similar situation once. My platoon crawled through the desert with no water for a week. But when we finally located the only oasis for only a hundred miles it was surrounded by angry sand benders. I realized our only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above. So I fashioned together a catapult and with the help of a few well trained hog-monkeys-" just then he was cut off by Tenzin. "Enough of your ridiculous lies! Can't you see that the fate of the world depends on what we do here today?!"

Asami: "Hold on, maybe Bumi's right. We don't have a catapult and hog-monkey. But we have a flying bison and there's a plane on Varrick's ship. Maybe we can attack from above."

Korra: "What are you thinking?"

Asami: "Hiei, Mako, Bolin, and I can use the plane to create a distraction and scatter some of the defenses. You, Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya can fly into the spirit portal with Oogi when you see an opening."

Korra nodded. "Let's get moving." Everyone flies off leaving Naga and Pabu behind.

Team Avatar was now nearing the Spirit portal as Hiei, Mako, Bolin, and Asami flew up along side Tenzin and the others. She gave Tenzin a thumbs up who nodded in response as he ascended higher in the air. "Are you ready!?" She looked over at Bolin "I'm an Earthbender strapped to the wing of a plane hundreds of feet into the air, so no!" Mako spoke up from the other side of the plane "Don't worry! There's no way they'll be expecting this!" As they got closer to the portal, they saw dozens of spirits guarding the portal and Northern troops ready to attack them "Uhh, I think they were expecting it." Hiei said.

The Northern troops readied their ice spears and launched them towards Asami. She started to dodge the ice spears by swerving in the air which caused Bolin to panic "AAAH ASAMIIII!"

"Get ready!" She said as she flew towards the Northern troops "Fire!" She told Mako and Hiei as the two Firebenders launched their fireballs at the troops bases. She flew back up into the air to dodge more ice spears that was being thrown at them. The robots that were on the ground attempted to grapple onto the plane but Asami swiftly dodged their hooks and flew close to them so Bolin and launch his discs at them, after he threw the discs, he pulled out a remote and pressed the red button causing the discs to explode.

{With Korra and the others}

"There are Spirits everywhere. I don't see an opening." Korra said as she looked around "Let's circle around and see if we can find a way in from the other side." Said Tenzin but suddenly dark spirits started to charge at them "Hold on!" Tenzin tried to steer Oogi away but the dark spirits latched onto him dragging him down. Korra started to Airbend the spirits off of him while Kya used her Waterbending to keep the spirits away from them from above. "The spirits are weighing Oogi down. We're losing altitude!" Tenzin said as Bumi walked up to one of the spirits that was on Oogi "Get off of him, you sticky, nasty, little blob of goo!" He stomped on it but started to lose balance as he fell but grabbed onto the spirits back holding on. "If I go, you're coming with me!" They started to fall off of Oogi. "Bumi!" Kya called out for him

{Back with Asami and the others}

Asami was still dodging the ice spears that was continuously being thrown at them. One of the spears hit the rear end of the plane which caused smoke to emit from it, Mako and Hiei shot a large wave of fire at the troops knocking them off their balance. Hiei used his Airbending to launch them back in the sky with some momentum as Asami circled back around. Bolin got in his position and launched more disc mines onto the base where the Northen troops were launching their ice spears and exploded the base. "I wish Varrick was filming this! We could call it 'Nuktuk: Sky Warrior'!" He threw his fist up in victory as Asami went back towards the base allowing Hiei to shoot another fireball at an Northern troop.

The twins that were watching used their Icebending to launch themselves in the air so they could send a Water slice at the rear end of the plane, splitting it in half. "Brace yourselves!" Asami said as she tried to give everyone a safe landing as they crashed into the snow. Hiei opened his eyes and saw Northern troops coming their way along with Han. Hiei attempted to launch a fireball at him but he was interrupted by Han who stomped on Hiei's hand causing him to yell in pain.

Han kneeled down to Hiei and smirked "Would you look at this. The little Fire Prince is all better." He chuckled "Yeah and you're going down!" Hiei responded as Han stood up "You're still too weak kid. Just like your father was. Once Unalaq gives me the clear, you're as good as dead." He brings his foot down to Hiei's face causing everything to go black.

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