Chapter 29: Spirit World

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Hiei started to see more of the vision. Now he sees himself with a mysterious figure sitting across from each other. It's a man with long grey hair. A moment later Hiei opened his eyes and saw that he's now in the middle of a field. "Whoa." He stood up and looked around "This isn't what I expected the Spirit World to look like." He started walking through the field and moments later he would end up in a forest. "Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I'm lost." He sighed before he slightly jumped at the sound of someone walking behind him "Who's there?" Hiei called out as he got in his fighting stance.

???: "Don't worry, my boy. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just an old man." The man emerges and Hiei sees an old man that he'd recognise anywhere. His great, great uncle. Uncle Iroh.

Hiei lowered his guard "Uncle Iroh?"

Iroh: "Hello, Hiei." He said smiling.

Hiei eyes began to widen as a smile grew on his face "I don't believe it. How are you here?"

Iroh: "I've been here for a long time. After my work was done in the physical world, I came here to enjoy this beautiful world."

Hiei: "Whoa, I didn't think that was possible."

Iroh: "In life you will find that even the most impossible things are possible. Now, come with me. I think we should talk."

{Time skip}

After getting out of the forest they had finally made it to Iroh's house. They go over to a table outside the house. "Sit. Have some tea." Iroh said as the two of them sat down while he poured some tea.

Hiei smiled "Grandpa always said that you love tea."

Iroh: "That's right. Now Hiei, what brings you here?"

Hiei: "Well, I had a vision and I saw myself mediating at the Northern Air Temple, then I ending up here." He took a sip of his tea

Iroh: "I get the feeling there is more to your story."

Hiei sighed "I got hurt very badly during my last battle uncle. I was almost killed by an lightning bender named Han of the Red Lotus. I'm healed internally thanks to Katara, but... I feel different."

Iroh: "What do you mean?"

Hiei: "I'm scared. I've never been beaten that badly. I'm nowhere near as strong as him. I don't know if I can beat him."

Iroh: "Everyone feels fear and it's okay to be scared. It's only natural, but you should never let your fear stop you. In life we must go through hardships in order to become stronger."

Hiei: "So, you're saying that I'll be able to become stronger from going through something like this?"

Iroh: "That's right. I believe that you can beat this Han, but you have to believe it as well."

Hiei: "I think I maybe able to beat him if I can learn to control my Blaze State. Only problem is that I need someone to show me how to control it."

Iroh began to smile "There is someone here who can show you. Someone who has experience with the Blaze State."

Hiei titled his head "Who?"

Iroh: "Your other Grand-Father, Ezra."

Hiei's eyes started to widen "Grandpa Ezra had the Blaze State-? Where can I find him?"

Iroh: "I'll show you. Come with me." He got up from his table and led the way.

{Time skip}

Iroh and Hiei stop at the bottom of a mountain. "So, this is the place?" Hiei asked while he still looked up

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