Chapter 43: The Terror Within

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Hiei and everybody else were sleeping in their rooms.
Korra didn't sleep with Hiei since she wanted to get enough sleep to be able to leave in the morning. Suddenly the sirens went off. Hiei got up and ran outside. Hiei saw Mako and the others and ran towards them after he shot a fireball at Zaheer and the others.

Mako: "We can't let 'em take Korra."

Asami: "I don't think they'll get far. Look."

We look over and see Zaofu guards trying to take them down.

They stood up

Hiei: "Man, who are these guys?"

Just then the group gets surrounded by metal plates thanks to Lin and the other Metalbenders.

Guard: "We have you surrounded. It's over. Release the Avatar!"

Moments later, the ground around the group turns into lava as it melted the plates. Everyone jumped back to safety.

Bolin: "No way! That guy's Lavabending. That's awesome-ly not good for us."

They jumped behind cover to shield themselves from the Combustionbender.

Mako, Lin, Bolin and Hiei fired at them from behind cover. They were then joined by Su, Wei and Wing.

Lin: "How'd they get in here?"

Suyin: "I don't know, but we're not letting them escape."

Hiei: "Well, we need a new plan, because our current one isn't exactly working."

Asami: "There's no way to cross that moat."

Suyin: "We don't need to cross it. Lin and I can drop in from the dome on cables."

Lin: "That's a great idea, except we'll get blown up the second that third-eyed freak sees us."

Hiei: "No you won't. I'll cover you."

Lin: "How?"

Hiei: "I've got a plan. Just get into position on the dome. I'll be right back."

He rushed off towards his room to grab his staff. He quickly opened the gliders and flew up into the air.

When he got back to the fight, he saw Su and Lin making their way down to get Korra. They managed to get her and make their way back up.

As Hiei got closer, P'Li spots them. She fires her shot at them and Hiei quickly flew infront of them and used his firebending to redirect the blast but the impact launched him onto the same rooftop Zaheer was on.

Zaheer: "So you're Fire Prince Hiei, master of both Fire and Air. I'm an admirer of your work."

Hiei: "Thanks, it's always nice to meet a fan. Now who the hell are you?"

Zaheer: "I am Zaheer."

He immediately fires a blast of air towards Hiei and he quickly deflected it with his staff. When Hiei got a clear vision, he would get knocked back by a fireball. Hiei hissed as he looked at his arm that had a small burn on it. When he looked up he saw a man glaring at him with a wicked grin on his face.

Zaheer landed back with his crew. "We failed!" Zaheer wraps the area with the air and they suddenly disappeared. Lin, Suyin, Wei, and Wing came back with Korra. Hiei takes Korra from Lin's arms and they head to Suyin's office. Aiwei brings the antidote to help Korra.

Aiwei: This should neutralize the shirashu toxins.

Korra slowly lifted her finger.

Lin: "How could you let this happen? You assured me this was one of the most secure places in the world."

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