Chapter 7: Winners and Losers

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(One week later)

After Korra's encounter with Amon last week, she and Hiei decided to leave Tarrlok's TaskForce and focus on Pro-Bending

(Pro-Bending gym)

Korra summons two water spheres and launched them towards Bolin and Bolin used two discs to deflect them while Hiei emitted fire onto the bottom his foot to deflect the Waterball Korra launched at him. The three would launched their attacks at each other until they had all knocked each other down. They say up and looked at each other then laughed

They stood up and took off their helmets "I gotta say, it feels good to be back." He said as he saw Mako walk inside "It's been great having you two at so many back-to-back practices guys." He said

Korra: "It does feel good to be back. Although Tarrlok isn't too happy about me and Hiei's leave of absence."

Bolin: "Hey, you guys joined the Fire Ferrets first before his TaskForce."

Mako: "Okay! Team huddle time!"

Everyone huddled together, Mako and Hiei were slightly confused when Bolin started cheesing at Korra then Korra started cheesing at Mako

Mako: "Ahem, it's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know the four of us haven't been a team for very long, but even so, the Fire Ferrets have never been this good. Are we ready!?" Mako asked his squad

Hiei/Korra/Bolin: "We're ready!"

??: "Not quite." Everyone broke out of the huddle to look up to see Asami holding the new Fire Ferrets uniform "You'll need these!"

Mako: "Hey Asami." He walked up to her

Asami: "Good Morning sweetie."

Hiei walked up towards the uniform and picked it up "These are awesome!"

Mako: "Yeah, they look great."

Asami: "You look great." She leaned forward and kissed him as he did the same

Hiei noticed Korra not liking that at all. She's totally crushing on Mako

Mako: "Welp, team practice is over. Asami and I have a lunch date."

Hiei: "Yeah, I gotta head back to Air Temple Island. See you guys later." He picked up his duffel bag and walked towards the exit

Korra: "Hey, Hiei?" Korra called out to him as she caught up to him

Hiei: "Sup. Sooo, you're crushing on Mako huh?"

Korra: She started to blush slightly "Whoa, what? I do not have a crush on Mako! I don't!"

Hiei: he tilted his head at her

Korra: She would sigh in defeat "Okay I do. How did you know?"

Hiei: "You see Korra, I have these things called eyes. They help me see things, it's crazy." He said sarcastically

Korra laughed "Okay, very funny. What about you? You seeing a girl I don't know about?"

Hiei: "No, I uh.. it's complicated."

Korra: "Hmm, let me guess. You're the leave the girl in every port kind of guy?"

Hiei stopped walking and looked at her "I've never done that I'll have you know." She crossed her arms at him "Okay maybe once... or twice. But it's not that bad. I'm not as much as a player you think I am."

Korra: "If you say so pretty boy."

Hiei: "Shut up."

They start walking again.

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