Chapter 19: Evil Spirit's

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(Later that day)

Everyone just had a feast in honor of Unalaq. He didn't seem to like it all that much tho.

Right now Korra, Bolin and Hiei were just having fun at the festival.

Korra and Hiei shared some food, while they noticed Bolin staring at Korra's cousins.

Bolin: "Wish me luck. I'm making my move." He walks over to the twins.

Hiei: "Good luck."

Korra: "Those two have always creeped me out.
They smell a grandma's attic."

Hiei chuckled. "That's a weird description."

She smiled. "What? It's true." Her smile would fade away when she looked over at a group of Water Tribe girls checking Hiei out. She grabbed his arm and held him close.

Hiei looked down at her hugging his arm "What's up?" He looked over to see the group of girls Korra was glaring at. Hiei waved at them "Hey."

Korra turned towards Hiei and placed her hand on his cheek "Hey, come here." She pulled his face down and kissed him before giving the girls a side eye.

The girls looked down and walked away

Hiei chuckled after they pulled away "I didn't know my girlfriend was so territorial."

Korra: "Well, they needed to know that you're all mine." She said before they went to go play games.

(10 minutes later)

Korra: "So, Unalaq offered to train me. He says he can teach me about the spirits and my connection to them." She said as she and Hiei played a game where they had to shoot water into target Aang's mouth letting toy Momo rise to the top

Hiei: "Sounds good. What does Tenzin think?" He looked over at her

Korra: "Tenzin thinks I'm his prisoner or one of his kids. I'll never finish training with him in charge." She blasts the target with more water and wins an stuffed Air Bison. "I mean you heard what Unalaq said. The South is spiritually unbalanced and it's the Avatar's job to fix it. But my dad won't even let me think about Unalaq training me. Well?"

Hiei: "Well what?"

Korra: "What do you think I should do?"

Hiei: "I guess you should do what you think is right. I support whatever decision you make."

Korra: "Oh, thanks. That's a big help." She said sarcastically

Hiei: "I thought you wanted me to be supportive? Now you want me to tell you what I think? Make up your mind." He said before she shoved the stuffed air bison into his face

Korra: "Just forget it." She walked off

Hiei looked at the sky bison and sighed.

(Two hours later)

After the festival had ended, Hiei's mom allowed him to stay the night with her after the argument he had with Korra.

When Izumi had finished giving Hiei advice on getting through the rough patches, they heard Naga growling at something outside.

Hiei and Izumi along with Mako and Bolin rushed outside but didn't see anything

Bolin: "What's going on?"

Hiei: "I have no idea."

Just then, they saw Korra get attacked by some sort of spirit thing

Hiei: "Korra!"

Hiei and Mako jumped up and used their Firebending to shoot a fireball towards it as Bolin used his Earthbending to knock it off balance. It managed to jump away and charge at the three knocking them back into the snow.

Tenzin and Tonraq arrived to help the three up as Korra started to blast fireballs at the spirit who had dodged easily. When it was about to strike at Korra it was knocked over by a chunk of ice "Korra!" Tonraq called out to her as he charged towards the spirit using ice as transportation, he circled the spirit and raised the ice higher trapping it. Just then the spirit used it's tentacles to break out of the ice and grab Korra and Tonraq throwing them away.

Tenzin and Hiei used their Airbending to blast up in the air and land infront of the spirit "Spirit, why are you angry with us? What have we done to offend you?" The spirit looked over at the two and used its tentacle to knock only Tenzin away as Hiei jumped above the spirit ready to blast a fireball at it.

The spirit vanished and Hiei lost sight of it "Wait where did it-" before Hiei could react the spirit appeared next to Hiei and used its tail to knock him down into the snow. Korra got up and took a deep breath before she slammed her fists together going into the Avatar state as the spirit charged at her.

Korra was flying around using her air bending while she shot fire at the spirit. The spirit grabs her and slams her down to the ground. Before the spirit could strike down at Korra, Unalaq appears and suddenly wrapped the spirit with some kind of Waterbending technique as the spirit was glowing completely calm as it walked away before fading.

Unalaq: "Go in peace." He said as he watched the spirit fade away.

Hiei got up from the snow as he looked up to see Mako standing infront of him holding his hand out "You alright bro?" He asked

Hiei grabbed his hand and got up "Yeah, thanks. What happened with the spirit?" He looked around

Mako: "Unalaq used some type of Waterbending to send it away." He replied as the two of them made their way to where the others were

Tenzin: "It has been a pleasure serving you. Avatar Korra." He bowed before walking off returning back to his family

{The next day}

It's now the next morning. Hiei's mom is leaving along with Tenzin and his family.

Korra had decided that she is now gonna be training with Unalaq.

She thought about what she had said to Tenzin last night and wasn't quite sure about her decision.

She and Hiei watched Oogi fly away with Tenzin and his family. "Do you think I made the right choice?" She looked over at Hiei

Hiei: "Honestly, I don't know. I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at this Avatar counseling thing. But I know your heart is in the right place. You'll just have to trust it."

She smiled and grabbed his hand

Their moment would be interrupted by Unalaq as he placed his hand on Korra's shoulder "I know this was a hard decision, Korra. But it was the right one. Now it is time to put it behind you and begin your new training. I have great plans for you." He smiled at her.

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