Chapter 49: A new Airbending Master

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It's been a week since Team Avatar's battle with the Red Lotus. Zaheer and his team were now locked up and Izana and the rest of the Dragon Warriors managed to calm everything down in the Earth Kingdom. On a more positive note, Jinora's ceremony was today and everyone was getting ready for it.

Korra, who's in a wheelchair due to her injuries, casts her eyes downward, her mood still somewhat somber.
Asami, who's been helping Korra with her appearance, steps in with care. "There you go, all set for your grand Avatar appearance." She hands a mirror to Korra. "Take a peek."

Korra manages a faint smile as she gazes at her reflection. "Thanks, Asami."

Asami: "Remember, it's only been two weeks. Healing takes time." She holds Korra's hand reassuringly. "And, you know, I'm here for you. Whenever you're ready to talk or anything. But today, let's just enjoy it, for Jinora."

Korra: "You're right." She takes a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this."

Asami carefully wheels Korra out of her room, and as they step outside, Hiei joins the scene in his formal Fire Nation clothing.

Hiei: "You ready for this, Korra?" He smiled at her

Korra returns the smile, her gaze filled with gratitude. "Thanks to you, I am."

As they move towards the building, Airbenders are ascending a flight of stairs. Asami positions Korra in front of the waiting crowd, where Azula and Lord Zuko bows to her. Korra nods in response, and her mother rushes forward to embrace her.

Tonraq: "You look beautiful, sweetie." He kisses Korra on the forehead.

Tenzin: "You're growing stronger every day, Korra."

Raiko: "I'd like to officially welcome you back to Republic City. I know that the last time we saw each other, it didn't end on the best terms. But I want to thank you for taking down those Red Lotus terrorists."

Asami: "We should head inside."

Ikki: "I can help!"

Meelo: "I want to ride with Korra!" Korra chuckles as she holds Meelo.

Hiei: "Looks like you've got some eager fans, Korra."

Lin takes charge, bending the floor to create a path and placing a reassuring hand on Korra's shoulder. "Hang in there, kid."

They start moving up the stairs. Meanwhile, Raiko expresses his concerns. "She's not looking good."

Tonraq: "Neither would you if you'd gone through what she has." He said defensively.

Tenzin: "She'll be fine. She just needs time to heal. The poison took a great toll."

Raiko: "Of course. I'm just saying, with the Earth Kingdom in complete disarray since the loss of the Queen ..."

Zuko: "And even with Zaheer locked up again, we still don't know how many Red Lotus members might be out there, hiding."

Raiko: "Exactly. With the world getting more and more dangerous, we need the Avatar now more than ever. Who will protect us while she's in a wheelchair?"

Azula: "It seems you have forgotten that we still have the Dragon Warriors who managed to calm down the chaos in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Prince Hiei who is now in complete control of the Blaze State. Avatar Korra can take as much time as she needs to recover." She stated before they walked into the ceremonial hall.

The ceremonial hall is filled with the fragrant scent of burning incense sticks. Air Acolytes and numerous guests are gathered, observing the solemn ceremony.
On the stage, airbenders stand, and at the center of it all, Jinora is kneeling, wearing her hood.

Tenzin: "Jinora, come forward."

Jinora walks forward and kneels down. "Today we welcome the second Airbending Master in a generation and I couldn't be more proud of my daughter." He looks out to the crowd. "When the existence of our people was threatened, when the Avatar's life hung in the balance, Jinora never gave up hope. Thanks to her leadership I see a very bright future for the Air Nation. Of course, there'd be no Air Nation without Avatar Korra. She opened the portals and somehow the world began anew for us. And she was even willing to lay down her own life in order to protect ours. There's no way we could ever repay her for all she's done, but we can follow her example of service and sacrifice. So while she recuperates, the Air Nation will reclaim it's nomadic roots and roam the Earth, but unlike our ancestors we will serve people of all nations. Working wherever there is corruption and discord, to restore balance and peace."

He looks over. "Avatar Korra, I vow that we will do everything in our power to follow in your footsteps and bring harmony to the world." He bows to her.

Tenzin: "Now, let us anoin the Master who will help lead us in our new path." He pulls off Jinora's hood to reveal the Airbending Master tattoo.

" He pulls off Jinora's hood to reveal the Airbending Master tattoo

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Jinora stands to reveal the tattoo on her arms. Everyone starts clapping. The Air Nation is back and the world has been changed forever.

(A/N: And that's it for Book 3! I know that I've been slacking with the consistency with the updates and I do apologize for that! However, it was all for a good reason. I'm currently making a ATLA book connected to this story which I'll be posting very soon so stay tuned!)

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