Chapter 18: Festival

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(171.AG, Republic City)

It's now been six months since Amon's attack, and pretty much everything has been going well. To avoid the mistakes of the past, the United Republic has disbanded the council and elected a president named Raiko. Mako joined the Republic City PD, Hiei and Tenzin have been helping Korra with her Airbending, and Bumi had retired from the United Forces and is now living with Tenzin and his family on Air Temple Island. Everything has been going well for everyone. For now that is.

On Air Temple Island, Hiei was dressed in his Airbending clothes as he, Korra, and the kids were involved in an air-scooting race competing against each other. Right now, Ikki was in first place, with Korra and Hiei trailing close behind her. They zoomed past several buildings, almost knocking over Pema and Rohan.

Korra: "Sorry, Pema!"

They made a sharp turn around the Airbending gates, causing its doors to spin as they passed it.
Hiei turned around and smiled smugly at Korra as if to challenge her. She smirked and her eyes would glow turning blue as she entered the Avatar state. She quickly passes Hiei and Ikki taking first place.

Hiei: "Meelo!"

Meelo: "Yes sir!" Meelo jumped off his Airscooter and landed on Hiei's back, he let his lower body hang and released a giant fart giving the two a quick boost as they caught up to Korra, the three of them would cross the finish line.

Bumi coughed due to the large amount of dust the Airscooters made. "We have a tie!" He yelled while waving the checkered flag.

Korra: "That shouldn't have been a tie, Hiei and Meelo broke the rules by teaming up!"

Hiei: "The rules went out the window when you went into the Avatar state!" He gave Meelo a high five

Bumi: "To be fair, it's no like any of you followed the rules."

Hiei: "True."

Korra: "Alright, next time I won't go into the Avatar state." She walked up towards Hiei and stuck her pinky out. "Pinky promise." After Hiei locked his pinky with hers, she leaned in and kissed him

Ikki: "Hey no fair, you can't use the Avatar state to win!" She said as her and Jinora walked up to them

Korra stuck her tongue out at Ikki before she heard Tenzin from behind

Tenzin: "You did what? The Avatar state is not to be used as a booster rocket. You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously don't appreciate."

Korra: "It's the Avatar state, and I'm the Avatar. Who appreciates it more than me?"

Tenzin: "Clearly you need more training to fully grasp your spiritual connections. Not to mention that you're still a long way from mastering Airbending." He crossed his arms

Korra: "I have mastered Airbending." She went and air blasted a couple of trees "See? Mastered."

Bumi: "Looks pretty good to me!"

Tenzin sighed "Is it too late for you to un-retire from the United Forces?"

Bumi: "The paperwork's gone through little brother. From now on it's 24/7 Bumi time!"

Tenzin sighed before he approached Korra "You've mastered Korra-Style Airbending. Now you need to master real Airbending. Hopefully, our visit to all of the air temples will give you the inspiration you need to dwell more deeply into your studies."

Jinora: "Can we see where grandpa Aang was born?"

Meelo: "How many lemurs can I have?"

Ikki: "I wanna get tattoos, but instead of arrows I want lightning bolts!"

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