Chapter 30: Eastern Air Temple

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{The Next Day}

(Eastern Air Temple)

Izana and Hiei have just made it to the Eastern Air
Temple, but Hiei noticed that something weird was going on. Ever since he came out of the Spirit World he has been seeing Spirits out in the real world. They land down at the temple and get off Druk. Hiei and Izana walked towards the garden and see Tenzin with his family.

Hiei: "Tenzin."

They all look over at them.

Tenzin: "Hiei? You're here. It's good to see you. You too, Izana."

Hiei: "You too."

Izana: "It's good to see you, Tenzin."

Jinora, Ikki & Meelo: "Hiei !"

The kids run over and hug him

"What are you doing here kid?" Bumi asked as he followed behind the kids

Tenzin: "We thought you were at the South Pole fighting with Tonraq and the rebels."

Hiei: "You guys know about the civil war?"

Tenzin: "Yes, Korra told us."

Hiei: "Wait, Korra's here?"

Korra: "Yeah, I am."

Hiei looked over to see Korra come over "Korra."

She smiled as she approached him, pulling him into a hug "You're okay."

Hiei smiled and hugged her back "Yeah, I'm fine."

She pulled away "Why didn't you tell me that Han almost killed you?"

Tenzin: "Wait, Han is free? And he almost killed you!?"

Hiei: "He did, but I'm okay now thanks to Katara. She's one of the best healers I've ever seen." He looks back at Korra "I was gonna tell you, but with everything going on it wasn't a high priority. Are you mad?"

She sighed "I'm too happy to see you to be mad." She pulls him close and they kiss "But we will be talking about this later. Right?"

Hiei nodded "Yeah, we will."

Korra: "Good, right now we have other things to discuss."

{Time Skip}

Korra and Hiei were talking to Tenzin alone discussing what had happened to them individually. Tenzin and Korra were sitting on a bench while Hiei was laying on the ground infront of them "You went into the Spirit World and met Ezra?" Tenzin said stunned by Korra and Hiei's adventures.

Hiei: "That's right but Korra, you met the first Avatar? That's awesome!"

Tenzin looked over at Korra "So, Avatar Wan imprisoned this Dark Spirit Vaatu in the Spirit World?"

Korra: "Yes and now I think my uncle is trying to free him."

Tenzin: "I knew Unalaq was hungry for power, but never realised how far he would go to get it."

Korra: "This is all my fault." She said while looking down

Hiei: "Korra, don't blame yourself. You're starting to sound like me."

Tenzin: "Hiei's right. This is Unalaq's doing. Now, we must focus on setting things right before he can do anymore damage."

Korra: "Thank you both."

Tenzin: "So, you need to close the Southern portal."

Hiei: "But if Unalaq's army controls the South, how are gonna get to it?"

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