Chapter 47: Enter the Void

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Right now Korra and the others are on their way towards the Northern Air Temple to help the Airbenders. Right now, they're coming up with a plan on how to save them.

Suyin: "I say we make our approach from the West.
Drop down from the airship on cables. Ambush these Red Lotus lowlife before they know what hit them."

Lin: "It'll never work."

Hiei: "Lin's right. If that Combustion chick spots us, it's game over."

Suyin: "Either of you have a better idea how to save the Airbender's?"

Lin: "Yeah. We come up from the valley, scale the side of the mountain and take them off guard."

Tonraq: "That could work."

Suyin: "And give them the high ground? No. If their Lavabender spots us, he'll melt the mountain side and us with it."

Bolin: "Wait, I got it. I'll disguise myself as a lost hiker and once I'm in the Temple, I'll distract the Red Lotus with my bird calls." He started to make his bird calls. "That's when you all strike!"

Mako: "Bird calls? Really?"

Bolin: "Well I haven't noticed you offering any suggestions."

Korra: "None of these plans will work. As soon as Zaheer notices something's up, he'll wipe out the Airbender's."

Suyin: "And Opal is one of those Airbender's. Believe me, I understand what's at stake."

Korra turns to them. "Then I think you'll agree. The only plan that'll work is for me to give myself up."

Hiei: "I'm sorry, you wanna do what?"

Lin: "Korra, no."

Tonraq: "We'll figure out another way."

Korra: "I talked it over with Lord Zuko and I've given it alot of thought. I have to do this."

Asami: "You can't expect us to sit by and just let
Zaheer take you."

Korra: "The world has been out of balance for far to long. It needs the Air Nation back again. I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the Airbender's, then you can worry about saving me."

Hiei: "I can't believe we're actually entertaining this idea. Korra, as soon as he has you he's gonna kill you."

Korra: "Hiei, do you trust me?"

He sighed. "You know I do."

Korra: "Then trust me when I tell you this'll work. Please, I need you with me on this."

Hiei thought for a second before nodding. "Okay. I'll help you pull this off."

Tonraq: "We're with you, Korra."

Suyin: "Yes, whatever you need. We're here."

Korra: "I'll go radio Zaheer."

She goes into the next room.

Hiei: "Okay, I just wanna go on record and say that this is a terrible idea."

Tonraq: "I agree, but it's the only one we got, kid."

While Korra was still in the next room talking with Zaheer, Bolin would be pacing around infront of Mako.

Hiei: "Will you sit down? I'm already tense enough as it is!"

Mako: "Me too. Bolin, just stop pacing."

Bolin: "I'm just worried about Opal. And Pabu's not here to comfort me. I hope he, Naga and Sora are doing okay back in Zaofu."

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