Chapter 17: The Avatar returns

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(The next day)

Everyone was now at the South Pole as Korra went to be healed by Katara. They all waited outside the room for her and after a few minutes Katara comes out causing them to stand up.

Katara: "I tried everything in my power, but I cannot restore Korra's Bending."

Lin: "But you're the best healer in the world. You have to keep trying."

Katara: "I'm sorry. There's nothing else I can do. Korra can still Airbend, but her connection to the other elements has been severed."

Just then Korra comes out of the room.

Tenzin: "It's going to be alright, Korra."

Korra: "No, it's not." She leaves the room and goes outside.

Hiei left to go after her. "Korra, wait."

She stops. "Go away."

Hiei: "I will, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. Whatever you need."

Korra: "No, I mean go away. Go back to Republic City. Get on with your life."

Hiei: "What are you talking about?"

Korra: "I'm not the Avatar anymore. You don't need to do me any favors." She tried to leave, but Hiei stopped her.

Hiei: "Wait, you thought I only cared about you because you're the Avatar? Korra. I don't care if you're the Avatar or not. When Tarrlok took you... I was losing my mind at the thought of losing you forever. I love you, Korra. That's what I wanted to tell you before." He placed his hand on her cheek. "I love you."

She moved his hand away with tears in her eyes. "I... I can't." She rushes over to Naga and leaves.

Hiei: "Korra!"

Tenzin then comes over. "We need to be patient with her, son. It will take time for her to accept what has happened."

(Ten minutes later)

Korra's been gone for awhile now and Hiei got tired of waiting, so he went to go find her.

After a few minutes of searching he found her near the edge of a cliff. Just then she uses Airbending and goes up into the air. Korra starts using Firebending and Earthbending. She then makes a wave of water come up into the air. After that she slowly comes back down to the ground.

Hiei: "Korra?"

She looks at Hiei with a smile on her face.

He went over to her as she ran at him and jumps into his arms. He spun her around and gently put her back down. They look at each other and Korra puts her hand on his cheek.

Korra: "I love you too." She said as they leaned in and kissed

(Three days later)

Everyone was now back in Republic City and it was a big day for Hiei. Today Tenzin is making him an official Airbending Master.

Since he had to get his Airbending tattoos, Hiei had to shave his head, which he wasn't a fan of but he'll definitely be growing it back.

Hiei would be in his room on Air Temple Island, just then there was a knock on the door. He stood up "Come in."

The door opens and it was his mother. "Are you ready?"

Hiei: "Yeah."

(At the ceremony)

Hiei was down on one knee behind Tenzin with his hood up. His family was there along with Team Avatar, the Air Acolytes, people from the Fire Nation etc.

Tenzin: "We're here today to present Hiei, Fire
Prince of the Fire Nation with something that an Airbender hasn't received in decades. Today Hiei becomes an Airbending Master. I've trained this young man since he was ten years old and since then he has proven himself to be strong, brave, wise and a natural leader. All the things an Airbending Master needs to be."

He stood behind Hiei "Now, please join me in welcoming Fire Prince Hiei, the new Airbending Master." He pulls down Hiei's hood to show the signature blue arrow on his head. He stood up and removed his shirt to show the tattoo running down his arms

Everyone began cheering and clapping for Hiei.
He looked over at Korra who was smiling at him.

(A/N: That's the end of Book 1, it's my first time doing one of these so I hope it was alright. Book 2 is next up, hope you'll enjoy it.)

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